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A powerful mudra and the Lunar New Year

A powerful mudra and the Lunar New Year

For those who’ve been to temples, ever notice how the statues of dieties have particular hand gestures and look blissful? One of the reasons they look peaceful and blissful is because they have tapped into the power of mudras (“seal” in Sanskrit) to guide energy flow...

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Dealing with self-doubt and finding one’s center

Dealing with self-doubt and finding one’s center

How are you feeling? It was an intense week for me. All sorts of emotions surfaced, which made me feel empty as I started second-guessing my priorities, my life, where I am and what I should’ve done. It didn’t help that I spent the weekend in the company of my...

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What do you want to most do in your life?

What do you want to most do in your life?

What do you want to do most in your life? Yes, that's a tough question to answer! But this a good year to at least explore it, as 2019 is all about joy, positive abundance, and renewal -- new light and new life. There are three good dates within the first quarter to...

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Are you breathing correctly? Here’s to be mindful and check.

Are you breathing correctly? Here’s to be mindful and check.

Breathing is the most powerful healing tool each of us has. While it is the first thing we learn to do, most of us forget to breathe, or at least neglect to do so as deeply as we should.   Breathing oxygenates every cell of the body, from your brain to the vital...

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Eclipses in January 2019 and what that means for you

Eclipses in January 2019 and what that means for you

We have powerful energies this January. It started with the new moon solar eclipse last January 6 (8:05 am Manila time) in Capricorn and a full moon lunar eclipse on January 21 (12:41 pm Manila time) in Leo. Eclipses are extra potent full and new moons that accelerate...

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A few tips as we exit 2018 and go into 2019

A few tips as we exit 2018 and go into 2019

Hello from Aomori, Japan!  I'm here for my annual bonding trip with my siblings. Each year we to go some place cold and here we are in the north of Japan with the temperature at -7 degrees centigrade and feels like -22 degrees centigrade. Interesting fact: Aomori is...

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Brace yourselves for a season of heightened change

Brace yourselves for a season of heightened change

An important cosmic event, the winter solstice was at 6:23am (Manila time) yesterday. There are four cosmic events - solstices and equinoxes. Solstice occurs twice a year when the sun appears to stand still at the highest or lowest point in the sky and observed by the...

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Letters from Tzukim: On Disconnecting and Learning

Letters from Tzukim: On Disconnecting and Learning

I am on my way back to Manila. Our last day of the Kundalini Yoga Level 2 training in Tzukim was a trek up to the mountain to contemplate our relationships and the stories we created.  Tzukim is a non-agricultural community settlement in the Arava Desert about 3 hours...

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The real meaning of Hannukah and a reflection

The real meaning of Hannukah and a reflection

Hello from Israel!This is my third time in Israel, and it's great to be back here. The first time I visited was when I was still studying Kabbalah and I joined the first and I believe, the only trip organized by Rav Berg to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in...

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Thank you again — and a special forecast for December

Thank you again — and a special forecast for December

Time flies! And the stars are telling you that it's the perfect time to make big dreams come true. If you’ve attended my classes this week, I’ve mentioned that Jupiter, the Great Benefic planet of expansion, abundance and opportunity has transited to its home sign...

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Live your everyday life with gratitude

Live your everyday life with gratitude

Two weeks ago, we did a Scent and Sound Healing session to activate the energy of Gratitude –  just in time for Thanksgiving.. I believe that we don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving day to be grateful, we have to start living our life everyday with gratitude. Yogi...

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Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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