It is said that intentions and goals manifest quickly when you see the combination 11:11 or 1:11, which is a message from the divine angels.
That’s why some people have made it a habit to make a wish when the time or number comes up.

As we end this year, there are three gateways – 10:10, 11:11 and 12:12. The first is a sacred port of initiation as quantum healer Meg Benedict calls it.

In numerology, the number 10 represents the completion of a cycle, which means a fresh start, encompassing all potential, all possibility. Pythagoras referred to it as a karmic number of rebirth. Marion Constantides described it as “You paid off the karmic debt and a new cycle is beginning.” The number signifies that everything can start moving in a new direction. It is considered as a powerful manifestation number to set intentions. A double ten, 10:10, doubles the effect. This makes it a perfect time to manifest and put your dreams into action.

This week is a powerful time to start the wheel of change towards new beginnings for 2020.
Note that we are entering a new decade in 2020 and the year adds up to a 4 which is all about breakthrough in a sea of obstacles. Creative Numerology describes 4 as “The number of organization and work; how things work, making things work, and working towards something that means a lot to you. As the year unfolds, you will need to develop a clear vision of what you want and make a firm commitment to attaining it.“

The last three months of the year is providing us the impetus to change. After the 10:10 last Thursday, the eve of the full moon in Aries this Sunday, as Power Path says, is an opportunity to change your story, to rewrite your story, to change any aspect of your life.

Source: @moonomens

Full moons are all about letting go and Aries is about pioneering, leadership, individuality. The presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and tumultuous. This full moon in Aries will help release all negative, limiting patterns and attachments. This is a powerful period where you can now have the courage to go for what you want. Power Path wrote, “This month we have the opportunity to shift the cycle of feeling victimized and imprisoned by our story and to put into action our dreams for a better future. This is not going to happen passively. This is an active time of releasing the old story, the attachment to suffering, blaming and complaining, and resetting the patterns to begin manifesting a new dream and living a new story.”

(And yes, it comes to this) if you are ready to make a change and want to tap into the high vibrational cosmic opportunities to help give you clarity, take advantage of the upcoming events.

First up is the Gong Bath on Sunday, October 13 at 4 pm at Anam Cara. Echoing the words of my teacher, Gong Master Don Conreaux, “[The gong] is a tool by which we are engulfed in total sound, and through our intuition, we are brought back to optimum health and balance. A gong is a supportive tool for the manifestation of our harmonious physical, mental, and emotional being.”

My mentor Tarn Taran Kaur will be back in Manila this time with her husband from November 4 to 9 for a series of Kundalini Yoga classes and a full-day workshop. They have been mentored by Yogi Bhajan himself, and are considered one of the top ambassadors for Kundalini Yoga.

I find that they are the epitome of work-life balance. They’ve been married for 47 years, raised a vibrant daughter who’s successful on her own and both still continue to travel the world to raise consciousness. They were able to establish successful businesses and directly mentored hundreds of thousands of Kundalini Yoga students and teachers around the globe. You will be inspired by their vast experience and humility. If you’re free on those dates, do join to enrich your life and exalt your spirit as they share compassion, humor, chanting, and down to earth living yoga practice. Here’s a list of their classes and workshop for the week that they’re here.

And we will also be holding a class for 11/11, and an All-Night Gong Puja on November 16.

It may be nearing the end of the decade or year, but you can make it a new beginning. Seize every opportunity you can to bloom.

In loving service,

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