A friend messaged me recently to ask for the recipe for the lemon-ginger-honey elixir for her brother. He was diagnosed with Covid-19 and irritated by a sore throat.

I first shared this elixir recipe in in 2019 and tweaked the recipe of a friend when I didn’t have lemongrass. It still worked like magic!

The elixir is simple and uses three ingredients – lemon, ginger, and honey – dissolve in hot water for a soothing healing drink.

Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It purifies the blood by stirring up acids for elimination and helpful in treating liver disorders. Ginger is both soothing and strengthening to the nerves when the body is under stress. It has been used for backaches, fatigue, flu, fevers, bronchial coughs, and digestive stimulants. Honey has been used in traditional medicine for centuries for a wide array of ailments, including asthma, hay fever, allergies, digestive disorders, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, hemorrhoids, blemished complexion, and a weak heart. It improves assimilation and elimination and is suitable for longevity.

To make this elixir, slice the lemon and fresh ginger root thinly. Get a jar. Put the lemon first, then add the ginger. Layer the lemon and ginger. Pour fresh honey. Store it for 24 hours. To serve, add 1-2 tablespoons on a cup and pour hot water.

This Easter Sunday, let’s pray for peace and better health for all. Take care always and stay safe!

In loving service,

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