This mercury retrograde falls under the air sign of Libra. When it is in retrograde, details get distorted, messages go missing, and gadgets and appliances may malfunction and thus, mess up our timetables and stretch our patience. It may indeed be a nerve-wracking period.
The good news is it’s the last one of three retrogrades this year. But the bad news is there are five other planets currently in retrograde – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. It’s best to stay steady and calm the next few weeks as this combination may accentuate chaos and disruption.
Here are five tips for cultivating your heart space during this retrograde period:
– Stay positive. Use an affirmation like “It is all working out at this moment.”
– Pat your heart several times during the day. This is called the thymus thump or the happiness point. It neutralizes negative energy, exudes calm, and boosts your immune system.
– Go to bed at night with your hands on your heart, and say thank you for all the blessings you received, including the challenging ones, for they serve as lessons.
– Observe where you put your attention and thus your energy. Keep moving your attention to your heart, and monitor what happens to your energy.
-Lastly, say this prayer which I chanced upon last Wednesday: “Father, thank you that you are always greater than any difficulty I will ever face. Give me the wisdom to know and ignore anything that is just a petty insult or an argumentative distraction to get me off-track. I believe that you are going to bring me to the next level. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Continue with practice!
If you want to further open your heart, join the Tuesday 5 pm meditation. The 31-minute meditation session not only opens the heart but is intended to balance our brainwaves to become more stable. When the brainwaves are stable, we are in our neutral mind. When we are neutral, we do not react at the slightest annoyance and are mentally available to respond properly to situations as they arise.
Next week is the start of the new 8-class kundalini yoga series, which will focus on strengthening the lungs. It’s imperative to work on the lungs, so we can be proactive to fight covid physically. Second, to clear the emotional and toxic mental energies we’ve accumulated this period. According to Theta Healing, the beliefs held in the lungs are grief, sorrow, regret, despair, remorse, and vulnerability. Breathing provides removal of waste and toxins during exhalation, and inhalation provides oxygen for cells throughout the body. Controlling the breath can alter the heart rate and brain waves, and thoughts. So it’s good to work on the lungs to be more positive and healthy.
Ending with these words for the season from Guru Rattana: “Mercury retrograde slows down our mental processes so we can listen to our heart and stop being overwhelmed by obsessive mental activity. Our mind can serve our heart when we are honest about what we feel and need.”
in loving service,