A time for sacrifice and forgiveness

Next week we celebrate the Lenten season in honor of Jesus Christ’s trial, crucifixion and resurrection. This is the season for penitence, repentance and forgiveness.

Easter procession, Camino de Santiago stop in Leon, 2016

Easter procession, Camino de Santiago stop in Leon, 2016

A lot of people struggle with the word ‘forgiveness’ and find it difficult to forgive. A common misconception about forgiveness is that it involves saying “I forgive you” and may include a hug or a pat on the back. The truth is that forgiveness doesn’t have to involve the other person and is definitely not for the benefit of the other person. The act of forgiveness doesn’t mean you are condoning the other person’s action; or that you inform the person that he or she is forgiven or continue to include the other person in your life.

What is forgiveness then?

It is when you no longer allow the other person’s behavior to cause you pain, hurt, anger, bitterness, hate, vengeance or resentment. You let go of these feelings so you can heal and move on.

Anger, bitterness, hate, vengeance or resentment – these emotions burden the body and your mind. When we don’t process and release these emotions, they remain trapped inside and can cause “dis-Ease”. You may experience physical ailments like high blood pressure, stress, depression and anxiety and over time, can lead to serious health challenges such as cancer.

Forgiveness isn’t something you do for the person who wronged you; it is something you do for you. As Buddha said, “Forgiving is not a gift to someone else. Forgiving is your gift to yourself.” When you forgive and let go, you are freeing your body and mind. Forgiveness isn’t the only way to let go of negative emotions and to heal, there are other modalities like Theta Healing, Emotional Release, and more, but it’s one of the easiest and best way.

Here’s a prayer that activates the energy of forgiveness

We did this during the last Scent and Sound Healing last Sunday on forgiveness, to gain peace of mind and freedom from the toxicity of negative emotions.

Forgiveness Prayer (by Ramdesh Kaur)

I forgive you. I forgive you for everything that you have done to me not because I agree with what you have done but because I release myself from any attachment to this dynamic. I forgive you because I free myself from everything that has been done. I free myself to live the life of my dreams and in order to do that, I must release you and so I do. I release you. I release you. I release you. And I release myself from any feelings of guilt or shame. I forgive myself for all that needs forgiving within me. Today I claim my power, not a power over you but a power within me. As I empower myself with this forgiveness so too, do I empower you to be the spirit you came here to be to live with light and love consciousness and compassion. Today is the day of my forgiveness and my power. In this moment, I am free. Thank you for this opportunity to grow. Thank you for this opportunity to forgive and with love, I release you forever.

You may want to use the Forgiving Blend made by aromatherapist Jenny Taningco. Message me if you want to order and I’ll send the instructions on where to apply it.

Watch out for new Theta Healing sessions soon!

I am leaving on Tuesday for Switzerland to attend the instructor’s training of Growing your Relationship I (You and Your significant other) and II (You and the Creator) with Theta Healing founder Vianna Stibal. This is a new seminar that Vianna created to build a strong partnership, build a strong foundation, to keep relationships fresh and new, and to help relationships work. This is not just for couples but for anyone who wants to develop an intimate relationship to reach the highest potential.

I will be back in Manila on April 9 and resume healing sessions, classes, gong and kundalini yoga for April.

The last class on Monday is about Forgive and Set Yourself Free. I hope I see you before the Lenten break.

In loving service,


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