This May, we’re talking about Karma
We worked on Karma and the Arcline in yesterday’s class. Karma is the law of action and reaction which is an absolute rule of nature. There no action without an effect. It is actually a sanskrit term “action” or “doing”.
![Meditating in the Flower Valley, India, 2016](
Meditating in the Flower Valley, India, 2016
Karma is held in our arcline.
The arcline functions to attract and repel different energies and store energetic outcomes you have experienced and created in your life. Karmic patterns from all lifetimes are embedded in the arcline. That’s why karmic cleansing is necessary to clear away all the subconscious garbage from this lifetime, from past lifetimes including the karma we inherited from our lineage.
The arcline is your projection, your radiance. It gives you the ability to focus and manifest whatever you want in life and intuitively know what is right and be at the right place at the right time. It is associated with the pituitary gland, the seat of intuition. With intuition, you can protect yourself so that you can deal with the stresses of everyday life.
What’s interesting is that women have two Arc Lines.
The second one extends over the heart center from nipple to nipple to assist in the bonding with an infant. This second Arc Line is extremely sensitive, that’s why it’s written in yogic texts that women are sixteen times more intuitive, intelligent, patient, and compassionate then men, and any sexual encounter is felt deeply in the Arc Line of women. Anytime a woman has sex, the Arc Lines imprint on one another and she takes on the karma of the man for as long as seven years. The man on the other hand, takes on the karma of the woman for only a moon cycle.
With all the karma stuck in your arcline, the tendency is to dampen your radiance and prosperity. A weak arcline will make you be overprotective and easily influenced. You may have glandular imbalances, which can lead to inconsistency in your moods and your behaviour.
If you want a copy of the meditation that we did yesterday, do drop me a note and I will send to you.
Important updates on schedules and classes
I will be adjusting costs in light of rising prices, so note that I will be increasing the drop in rate to P600 per class starting June 11. Thank you in advance for your continued patronage, and I hope you will continue to enrich your journey in spite of this adjustment.
For the Release your Karma series, the class on May 17 is releasing Family Karma and how to be non-reactive on May 31. We are skipping class on Thursday, the 24th because of the Success and Prosperity Workshop in El Nido.
Another way to clear all the subconscious junk is through a gong bath. There is an all night Gong Puja scheduled on May 19 if you wish to join.
I will be also be teaching a Basic and Advanced Theta Healing Class next month.
May you bloom into the week and the days after.
In loving service,