This year is supposed to teach you how to master your life.
The year 2018 adds up to “11” and it is said that ‘11’ is the gateway that will bring you to the next phase of your soul’s evolution. The task at hand is to have the courage to step into power. As you step into power and become more aware, all your fears, your shadows will start coming up for you to heal. These are the gifts that will be revealed to you that will help you move forward and help you manifest your dreams and desires. And as the year comes to a close, where are you at right now? Are you getting closer to the completion of your goals?
Next year it’s harvest time! The year 2019 adds up to ‘3’ and the number ‘3′ in the Ten Bodies system of Kundalini Yoga represents the Positive Mind with its overflowing abundance. According to Dr. Ramdesh, “The Positive Mind sees the good in everything… It keeps the light shining strong no matter how dark things get.” There will be no lack of opportunities. Even the feung shui geomancers predict that in 2019, the year of the Pig, the flying star “8” falls in the center which is very auspicious and will bring luck in everything. The challenge of 2019 will be to maintain an upbeat positive mind.
Tarn Taran in Manila (2016)
Learn to be upbeat for 2019 this coming October
US-based legacy Kundalini Yoga teacher Tarn Taran Kaur, will be in Manila this first week of October to help draw out the qualities you need to maintain an upbeat positive mind even if the world turns and spins. She will be leading a series of classes and workshop. To start, a Rebirthing meditation to “Release Pain and Open to Prosperity” on October 4 at Yoga+Express Legazpi, where she will share a prosperity meditation as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This special meditation will teach us how to continue to polish our abundance throughout 2019.
A workshop to cultivate “Nerves of Steel, Heart of Gold” follows for two full days on October 6 to 7 at Anam Cara Manila. The workshop will train us to handle any challenge and adversity with awareness and tranquility.
To cap the series, there will be the “Year of the Positive Mind and Abundance” class at Urban Ashram which will tie it all in, and would be great for the upcoming year.
Tarn Taran Kaur with Yogi Bhajan
I do hope that you seize the opportunity to learn from her while she is here. She has been teaching since 1972 and is a direct student of Yogi Bhajan. This is a very rare chance for us to learn from her knowledge and wisdom. Note that she is an international KRI Lead Trainer for Level One and Level Two, a mentor for the Aquarian Academy, the International Director for Kundalini Women and author of Conscious Pregnancy books, Do message me if you’d like to attend any or all the classes and if you want to take advantage of the workshop’s early bird package rate which, ends on September 21.
In loving service,