How are you feeling?
It was an intense week for me. All sorts of emotions surfaced, which made me feel empty as I started second-guessing my priorities, my life, where I am and what I should’ve done. It didn’t help that I spent the weekend in the company of my friends, and was reminded of the life that was.
As I write this, I am much calmer. I am looking forward to this weekend’s gong workshop and all-night gong puja, and am taking comfort in the words of my soul sister, Irene, “It already contains the seeds for a new life.” I have to get past my Ego and recognize what I am resisting and afraid to let go of, as I step into this change of self.
Change is truly uncomfortable.
I remember back then when I was still in corporate, I felt stuck and was no longer happy with the routine. I was afraid to leave and start over and afraid of being judged by my family, friends and peers.
It’s funny that now that I facilitate healing for others, I am no longer bothered by the comments I hear or relayed to me. I’ve become impervious to their criticism.
Fear of what the future may bring is one of the reasons why people stay in their comfort zone (like I had) and are unhappy, stagnate and become bitter.
Osho, an Indian guru, had said, “Future is not part of time, it is part of mind. Time is always present… Mind creates future because then one can avoid the ‘now’.
There is a way to conquer fear and cultivate indomitable courage. One of the tools using the tradition of Kundalini Yoga is to work on the navel center, or the third chakra. It is the center of will power, physical strength, command and control. Without a strong navel center, ideas and good intentions may not come to fruition.
It is said that a person who has mastered this energy center knows how to initiate and complete an action. This center is associated with the archetype of the spiritual warrior. A spiritual warrior is one who recognizes his mission and creates the energy to act and complete; lives with commitment, discipline and stamina, obeys his highest consciousness and can command his mind and senses.
I must be becoming sentimental as I write this but honestly, it will be good if we can all cultivate a strong, balanced navel center and collectively welcome infinite opportunities, gracefully navigating whatever situation that comes up, knowing that we can control our own reactions and choose the emotional presence of people and experiences in our life. That’s what I am declaring this 2019. Maybe that’s why I am on this path as a healer, to share whatever teachings I come to receive to help move and elevate this planet.
This 2019, my prayer is that you choose to enjoy life as a spiritual warrior – a life of courage, grit and caliber and grace.
In loving service,