Happy full moon lunar eclipse from Boracay! I’m going to be on the lookout for this special eclipse, the longest lunar eclipse of the century. Typically, a lunar eclipse lasts up to nearly 2 hours, and a solar eclipse lasts a few minutes. According to NASA, this eclipse will last 3 hours, 28 minutes, and 23 seconds and is the longest for 580 years.

As I wrote last week, today’s lunar eclipse is extra potent. If you can, sit and meditate or do something to allow you to release and purge. Think about: What area of your life right now needs resolution? What do you feel is your desired outcome for the situation? Ask for guidance on what steps can you take to start moving in that direction.

I’m sharing the Gyan Chakra Kriya meditation, also known as the “Brighten Your Halo” meditation to help with this.

The meditation will help you release by adjusting the magnetic field around your heart and allow you to move through any situation with grace and ease. It is a heart opener and practiced so that miracles can happen.

Here’s how to do it:

Sit with a straight spine. Bring your index and thumb tips together in Gyan Mudra. Stretch your arms over your head. Circle your right arm counterclockwise over your head, back behind the body, and then out to the right as low as the heart center. Do the opposite with the left arm, circling clockwise. Create a steady movement without the arms colliding with one another. Chant clearly and forcefully Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru for 11 minutes. For the last 30 seconds, move as fast as possible.

Let us make room. Release all that does not serve you, as they would say.

In loving service,

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