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Some tough talk inside: on depression and suicide awareness

Some tough talk inside: on depression and suicide awareness

This letter will be more dark and somber than usual. This September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I'm sharing some information about depression below in case you might know some people who are depressed and may need help. (Banner image: Illustration by JL...

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Palindrome week and what it means for you

Palindrome week and what it means for you

Did you know that from Tuesday, 9-10-19 until Thursday, 09-19-19 is a palindrome week? A palindrome is a word, a phrase or a sequence of numbers that read the same forward and backward, letter for letter, number for number or word for word. Examples are "mom", "...

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More reasons why you should meditate

More reasons why you should meditate

I’m back and cherish the days I was in Espanola where I can sit and meditate a lot. Last month, my mornings started with Sadhana from 3:40 am to 6:00 am, followed by a 15 to 20-minute walk around the oval. After a small group meeting and breakfast, we'd all convene in...

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The Rules of Harmonious Communication

The Rules of Harmonious Communication

And just like that it’s over... I’ll be heading home tomorrow. This trip was an intense roller coaster ride -- going into the depths of myself in this pressure cooker bubble of a place. It was intense for the students and everyone else involved in the class including...

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Learn about and try the Sat Kriya

Learn about and try the Sat Kriya

One more week to go to the end of this program and the kriyas and meditations are getting more intense. Becoming a teacher is not an easy task. The immersion is really helping everyone here, including myself. We are clearing ourselves and being a better channel to...

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There’s just something about this place

There’s just something about this place

I feel that this land is powerful. Before Yogi Bhajan set up the ashram here in Espanola in 1974, the original inhabitants were Native Americans who likely held spiritual practices and ceremonies. The Pueblo, Apache, Comanche, Navajo, and Ute peoples have been living...

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Ten days into the Level One immersion program

Ten days into the Level One immersion program

Today is the tenth day of the immersion training. The excitement is high! There are 48 student teachers from all over the world of different ages, races, and professions. All came to Espanola for deep transformation and personal growth. I've been seeing tremendous...

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Hello from Espanola, the heart of Kundalini Yoga

Hello from Espanola, the heart of Kundalini Yoga

Hello from Espanola, the land of enchantment! I can't believe that I'm finally here for the month-long residential Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training immersion program. This is my first 30-days immersion. The only time I was away this long was in January 2007,...

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Solar Return on the road

Solar Return on the road

Hello from New York where I am spending my solar return. I am here right now for some R&R before the one month teacher training immersion in Espanola. Call it serendipity or what, it seems like the universe keeps me away during my birthday. Last year I was in Teranggu...

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Got anger issues? Here’s how to get ahold of yourself.

Got anger issues? Here’s how to get ahold of yourself.

Have you checked your hands lately? The hands are a good indication of how you are physically. Yogi Bhajan had said, “The feet express the heavens and the hands express the feet. If you want to adjust the psychic body, massage the feet. If you want to adjust the...

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Read this if you’re paranoid about mercury retrograde

Read this if you’re paranoid about mercury retrograde

Well, it’s that time of the year when all aspects of communication go haywire! You may have been experiencing delays, misunderstandings, miscommunication or even issues with your computer. That's because Mercury stationed retrograde last Sunday and will be there until...

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Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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