I’m back and cherish the days I was in Espanola where I can sit and meditate a lot.
Last month, my mornings started with Sadhana from 3:40 am to 6:00 am, followed by a 15 to 20-minute walk around the oval. After a small group meeting and breakfast, we’d all convene in the langhar hall at 8:30 am to do the group meditation for 11 minutes. That’s a lot of meditations plus the meditations the teachers would give during their classes.

It was pretty hardcore. By the time we got to the fourth week of the immersion, the students were doing 2.5-hour meditations – the Adi Shakti (or long Ek Ong Kars) and the Master’s Touch. One of the students declared that after sitting through the 2.5-hour meditation, “Doing 3 minutes now seems like nothing and 11-minutes is super easy.”

Last group meditation in the mountain top, Espanola 2019

Do meditations work? Well, you’ll know if it works by observing the changes and qualities in your life. A client who has been consistently doing the meditation to remove inner conflicts since June reported sleeping better, being more aware, and catching himself when he becomes negative.

With a daily practice, we become aware of how our thoughts – especially our subconscious fears — create our reality.
That’s why it’s good to find time to meditate. Meditation is a practice to train attention and awareness, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. It is the art of breaking habits. Yogi Bhajan explained it as process of cleansing the mind, clearing out the old junk, so that “we have the freedom to create and project a healthier, happier, truer version of ourselves to the world”.

He had said, “At any time which is peaceful, you’ll be surprised that in a couple of minutes, you may find yourself observing some very unpleasant, ugly thoughts while you’re meditating. If you let those thoughts pass by, this is meditation. Meditation is a cleansing process. The important thing is, to keep up! The mantras and meditations are doing their job. You’re cleaning out and getting rid of negativity that has been covering up the divine light inside you.”

The secret is to meditate consistently and over a period of time.
Meditate for 40 days to break a habit, 90 days to confirm a positive habit, 120 days to become a new habit and 1,000 days to master the new habit.

Meditation in Kundalini Yoga contains specific, practical tools that carefully and precisely support the mind and guide the body through the use of eye gaze, mudras, breath and some have mantras. There’s a meditation for anything. If you want to be abundant and prosperous, you can visit the 30-day prosperity challenge and pick a meditation that you can do everyday for 40 days. Or message me on what you want to work on and I can recommend a mediation for you to do.

It is a challenge to break bad habits. Maybe a change of scene would help?

Lotus Shores in Siargao Island

I’ll be holding a Get Your Glow Back Kundalini Yoga Retreat at Lotus Shores Siargao. Come out and enjoy the sun, sea, fresh hair, and let’s glow and bloom together. Hope to see you there.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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