Are you feeling the intensity of this period?  
I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but I want to reiterate that this period is challenging as we have a unusual third eclipse on August 11, and the Lions Gate (Egyptian New Year) coming up next Wednesday, August 8, as well as the retrograde planets.

Scent and Sound Healing, Makati (2018)

Scent and Sound Healing, Makati (2018)

Since the first of the eclipses on July 11, I have talked at length in class about releasing subconcious garbage. It is said that during eclipse, the subconscious becomes conscious, we become more sensitive, emotional and intuitive. This is the time for change, breakthrough and even extreme behavior as a portal opens and floods us with Divine Energy that will speed up our evolution. This is a time to reflect and discover programmed reactions, feelings and attachments that do not serve you or nurture you and can let go of. Serendipitously, I’ve been quite busy with one-on-one healing sessions as this is a perfect time to process emotions and feelings and replace old limiting beliefs and programs.

For the last two weeks of the eclipse season, go inward and look at what you have manifested in your life so far and how your thoughts help or inhibited your process.  Focus your attention on what is working instead of what is not.  Stay out of drama and avoid engaging in arguments, negativity and reactionary behavior.

Some more tips for the next eclipse
Catalyst Yogi said that during the eclipse,“The release of old karmic programs happens at the cellular level and this means that your blood and cells are being regenerated.” Here are his suggestions during this eclipse:

Rest More. It’s normal for you to feel fatigue and have less energy than usual.Your body is doing a lot of work behind the scenes to integrate this energy.

Trust Your Body. You may have cravings for salty or high protein foods or feel an urge to fast. Trust that  your body knows best and is directing you to what you need to replenish.

Be Patient. You may be feeling irritable for no apparent reason. These emotions rooted in anger are triggering you to let go of something buried deep within you. It could be a belief system, a judgement or an undigested trauma. Be patient and sit with it and it will move through some sort of emotional release.

Turn Limitation into Liberation. Where in your life do you feel the most limited? This is where your Soul is calling you to Surrender which means to give up control to the Divine. Your Soul wants you to be free of a karmic burden. Remind yourself that everything is in perfect order even though you may not understand the reasons behind it all.

Get Some Quiet Time. Put yourself first and spend some quiet alone time in meditation, prayer or journalling. The answers you seek are found in silence,

Chant Mantras. Put your palms together in prayer pose and chant long Sat Nam for 5 mins. When you vibrate Sat Nam (Truth is my identity) – everything that is NOT your Authentic Self falls away.

Try this mantra!
One of my favorite mantras to chant this period is Pavan Guru. I am going to share with you the Pran Bhanda Mantra Meditation that we did in class yesterday. This will increase the pranic energy and allow you to change your destiny. Here’s how to do it:

Sit in Easy Pose, then cross the hands at the wrists with the left palm closest to the body. The fingers of the right hand will be slanted toward the left, and the fingers of the left hand will be slanted toward the right. The thumbs of both hands will meet in the center, directly in line with each other, one on top of the other. Gaze at the tip of the nose and look down into the palms and read the lines of the hand with a long slow breath for 11 minutes.

Chant the mantra (meaning here):
Pavan pavan pavan pavan
Par paraa pavan guroo
Pavan guroo whaa-hay guroo
Whaa-hay guroo pavan guroo

Chanting the mantra will help you calm your mind, settle the thought process and realize the Higher Self. It will produce instant healing vibrations and purify your space.

Sharing some good news
One of my intentions came true and I’m accepted to join the International Gong Master Training intermediate with Don Conreaux and Kay Karl in Bradenburg. I’ve always wanted to meet Don Conreaux ever since my first gong teacher, Martha Collard, kept talking about him. I’m leaving on August 15 and back on August 26.

Those who wish to glow up (as Jenn would say), tomorrow is the last day of the Early Bird rate for September’s Get Your Glow Back, Kundalini Yoga at Lotus Shores, Siargao. There’s no better place to reignite.

There’s a lot of energy going around, so pace yourself and take it all in.

Hope to see you soon.

In loving service,


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