First of all — thank you!
This letter was delayed as I’ve been busy wrapping up my stay here in Spain with just two more days of practice treatments and evaluations. I came here to learn how to use my voice in sound healing and will be heading home with the knowledge of understanding vibrational frequencies and also color.

We learned to use our voice, singing bowls and tuning forks. Like the gong, these tools work with sympathetic resonance. This is where the correct vibrating frequency can be directed toward the unbalanced part of the body, to restore it to its normal frequency and thus, promote healing.

The tool in my hand is a tuning fork — I’ll be using this when I get home!

Did you know that color is high energy frequency in motion?
It only exists because of light. Different colors have different wavelengths. When light shines on an object, some wavelengths bounce off the object and our eyes see the colors that are reflected.

What I learned from one of our teachers, Michele Averard, is that color is pure energy and can affect us physically, emotionally and mentally. For instance, most restaurants and food places prefer the use of red because it makes people hungry and buy more food while they’re there. Meanwhile, yellow is the best color to put in office or schools since it stimulates mental activity. You know and feel this in your own experience too, as the colors of a room and your clothes make a difference in your mood.

I’m sharing what we learned about colors that may help you change your vibrational frequency.
There are several colors, but I am going to talk about the seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

VIBGYOR Rainbow Color Codes (source: Webnots)

Red raises body temperature and energizes the blood. It warms, activates and stimulates deeper passions such as sex, love, courage, hatred, and revenge. Too much red can overstimulate and aggravate conditions.

Orange represents joy and wisdom and emotional health. It can revitalize the physical body. It helps with food assimilation and good for eliminative systems. It helps against depression and paralysis as well as conditions relating to the spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestines, and adrenals. Too much orange affects the nerves.

Yellow stimulates mental activity and gives confidence and optimism. It is effective for depression as well as conditions relating to the stomach, intestines, bladder and the elimination system.

Green balances the energies and increases sensitivity and compassion. It is calming for inflamed conditions and good for cardiac, high blood pressure, ulcers, exhaustion, headaches, and stress. Green must never be used in cancer or tumor conditions since it stimulates growth.

Blue is cooling. It strengthens and balances the respiratory system conditions in relation to the throat, asthma, chickenpox, jaundice, and rheumatism. It awakens intuition and artistic expression.

Indigo is a darker shade of blue and strengthens the lymphatic and immune system. It balances the right and left brain and nervous system. It is good for achieving deeper levels of consciousness in meditation. Too much indigo can cause depression and a feeling of separation.

Violet is good for balancing all energies. It is cleansing and purifying and the color is good against cancer conditions, arthritis, and helps with the assimilation of minerals. It stimulates inspiration and humility.

The colors black and white contain the entire color spectrum. Black absorbs the colors while white reflects all colors. Black activates and strengthens the magnetic energies of the body. Too much black though can cause depression. While white strengthens and purifies the energy system. It awakens creativity and amplifies the effects of any color with which it is used. There’s a saying that ‘when in doubt, use white.” That’s why in Kundalini Yoga, we wear white since it expands our auric radiance by at least one and serves as a filter for negative influences from the surrounding world.

Try the colors for yourselves and see how it affects you.

The Dome Center, Alcalali Spain

I will be home soon and bringing new vibrational tools with me.

See you soon!

In loving service,

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