What it means when they say, “many happy returns’ on your birthday
Astrologically, “Many Happy Returns,” mean that on your birthday each year the sun returns to the position in the sky it was in when you were born. This is known as the solar return  and marks the beginning of a new year.

Terrangu, Malaysia (2018)

Terengganu, Malaysia (2018)

It is said that one of the ways to influence what your year will look like, is to travel to a different location of your birthplace. This means means changing the geographical location – a different longitude and latitude from when you were born – will move the configuration of the planets in your chart to a favorable aspect.

I’m actually right now in Terengganu in Malaysia to celebrate my solar return. I don’t know if this location is favorable or not but I was guided to come here after the meridian training for the full moon lunar eclipse tomorrow which is touted to be the longest lunar eclipse of the century, a total of four hours with the great eclipse for one hour and 43 minutes.  Do get up at 4:00 am to experience this rare cosmic event and see the moon turn blood red.

A super blue blood moon rises behind the 2500-year-old Parthenon temple on the Acropolis of Athens. (Picture: AP)

A super blue blood moon rises behind the 2500-year-old Parthenon temple on the Acropolis of Athens. (Picture: AP)

What to do during the blood red moon
With the Lunar eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon. This will do a great job of cleansing, healing, and purging karmic patterns. The effect on you depends on how you handle change. If you resist growth, then, this season of eclipses may be difficult for you and be extremely emotional.

Yogi Bhajan instructed to be near a body of water during an eclipse. Maybe that’s why I’m pulled to come here in the beach and swim and dive in the ocean. If I had my crystals with me, I’d lay my crystals out to bathe under the moonlight and program each one of them.

Try not to react this period and if you can, go inward and meditate with your favorite mantra or do the Antar Naad meditation (using the Sa Re Sa Sa mantra). Yogi Bhajan says, “…that is why we do not meditate without mantra… when you meditate without mantra you can clean the subconscious. But when you meditate with mantra, you can clean the unconscious. You can destroy the akashic record.”

If you can, take some time alone and reflect. Ask yourself if you are fulfilled in your personal life, relationships, career. If the answer is no, ask yourself what are you willing to do, let go of, adjust, change?

Have a beautiful eclipse and my birthday wish is that for all of you to manifest your deepest desires, dreams this year and truly transform to be a better version of yourselves!

In loving service,


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