Hello from Socorro Island!

Sharing some interesting trivia about the island — maybe you would like to put this on your own bucket list too?

National Park plaque at El Boiler (photo by Hilda Tolentino)

The island is one of the four volcanic islands in the Pacific – San Benedicto, Roca Partida, Socorro, Clarión- that comprise the Revillagigedo National Park, Mexico’s largest fully protected marine reserve. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Sure In 2016 and in 2017, the former Mexican President, Enrique Nieto signed a decree protecting the area, 14.8 million hectares (148,087 square kilometers) from all forms of fishing and extractive activities. Our very own Tubbataha Reef Natural Park, off Puerto Princesa in Palawan, is less than 1% in size at 97,030 hectares.

The islands are located where the cold waters of the California current converge with the warm waters of the North Equatorial current. This creates upwellings that bring nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface which help feed 366 species of fish, 26 of which are endemic, and 37 species of sharks and rays. The region is a critical stopping point for whales, dolphins, sharks, tunas, sea turtles, and other migratory species, as well as providing a winter home to humpback whales. So you can imagine how amazingly spectacular the underwater marine life is and we were able to see humpback whales on the surface.


I am so happy and grateful where I am now that I want to share a prayer that I wrote

I bow to the Infinite Consciousness for blessing me with this physical body for which I have incarnated and to learn my lessons well this lifetime.

I bow to the heavenly father and mother, to the archangels, angels and spirit guides who have guided me since time immemorial and current life.

I bow to my family and friends, that I have chosen before time to be with in this path and again to complete my lessons and hopefully serve them well as I learn and evolve.

I bow to everyone in my life right now that I may forever be kind, compassionate, filled with love and service to help each of us grow and evolve.

I bow to the unseen that I may step up and be courageous to face the challenges and overcome the challenges before me that I may grow, learn, be resilient.

I bow to everything that I am doing that I may appreciate what I have, share and be open and welcome more opportunities in my life to grow and evolve.

Sending this now before the internet cuts me off. It’s the day after Valentines, but I wish you all nothing but love, always. 

Be in touch, and will be back home soon. In the meantime, keep following Facebook and Instagram for updates on the #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge this February 2019. Have you been practicing? Has it been working for you? Feel free to drop me a line, and I’ll respond as soon as I can

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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