We’re living in challenging times and this uncertainty has everyone feeling insecure and fearful. Plans have been put on hold or maybe changed altogether. It’s Independence Day today, but with all that’s happened, a number of us are growing cynical by the day.

With so many changes happening that it’s best to allow and let go of whatever we had in the past and focus being grateful. They even say that such an attitude of gratitude is even good for your health.

Give this a try and see:

Sit down and list all the things you are grateful for right now: your health, your home, your loved ones, and your work Focus on all the things you love. Think of the positive things that happened during the day, the week, the month, the last three months during the pandemic, the last year. List everything down and say thank you for all the great things that are already present in your life. It is only when you realize that all these things already exist in your life that you can allow more to flow to you and through you.

I have made it a habit to write down ten things that I’m grateful for in a journal before I go to sleep. As soon as I wake up before I get out of bed, I recite these affirmations. I’ve talked about it in a mailer before, but I will share again:

I am grateful for my good health, love, and the blessings that I receive each day.
I am grateful for my family, friends, the positive people that continuously come into my life.
I am grateful for everything I experience in this lifetime. I grow and prosper all the time.
I am grateful that I am open and receptive to all the abundance of the universe.
I express gratitude for all the good in my life. Each day brings wonderful new surprises.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in the Universe.
It reduces stress, makes you sleep longer and better, shows fewer symptoms of illness, makes you happier, and releases toxic emotions ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. When you live with an attitude of gratitude, you are affirming that life is good — even at its worse.

Try to harness that kind of attitude at our Scent and Sound Healing next Saturday. The oils will be delivered but the class will be online. Click the link for energy exchange details.

Through all the changes and bumps in the world, I am thankful. Thank you for each day that passes, thank you for sticking to this journey, and let’s continue to give thanks as we adapt and adjust to the days that lie ahead.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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