Last Friday, I was invited to talk about my journey in an IGTV live Theta Talks! The host, Sanaiyah, asked me about my healing journey, specifically on ThetaHealing.

The first time I tried ThetaHealing was in December 2012 at her center. I was suffering from a lower back issue that wouldn’t heal, even after seeing orthopedic doctors and a chiropractor. I was stuck! I couldn’t move and walk properly, and the pain was unbearable. A friend told me to try this type of modality.

Right after that first session, I immediately felt relief. It was also an eye-opener and gave me some much-needed clarity on how I have been creating limiting beliefs and patterns. I was so amazed by the healing that I asked her where I can learn about the course. Saniayah said she was teaching a Basic practitioner’s course that weekend, which I signed up for the Basic DNA course right after the session. And the rest is history, all the way up to completing the advanced course and other special courses after.

ThetaHealing is a form of energy healing that uses a meditation process that helps create physical, psychological, and spiritual healing using the Theta brain wave. Vianna Stibal, the founder, discovered this modality when she was able to heal herself miraculously from terminal bone cancer in 1995.

“Go up and seek God.”

Vianna’s technique is simple: “Go up and seek God.” This is where ThetaHealing differs from other forms of energy healing — it uses source energy, connecting one directly to the ‘Creator of All that Is’. In Theta, one immediately witnesses the change taking place, affecting the four levels of beliefs – the core, genetic, history, and soul levels. “What we know today as Theta Healing began thousands of years ago. I believe that these techniques are old as time itself and have been used for millennia as humanity awakens from time to time,” Vianna says.

The talk made me reminisce on how much I traveled to take the instructor courses with Viana –Tokyo in 2015, Montana in 2017, and St. Gallen in 2018. I am happy that I am a bona fide Theta Healing practitioner and certified to teach the courses.

With ThetaHealing founder Vinna Stibal in Montana in 2017.

It’s almost a year in lockdown and we have what is described as “Pandemic Monotony”. If you feel stuck right now and looking to move forward, give Thetahealing a try. I’m teaching the Basic DNA ThetaHealing class in April, click here for details.

In loving service,


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