Learn about Kriya
February 2, 2019 * 10:00 AM

Learn to connect with the flow of energy and manifest your desires
Kriya means action that leads to complete manifestation like a seed that comes to bloom or a thought that comes to actuality or a desire that becomes a commitment.
A Kriya in Kundalini Yoga is a sequence of postures, breath and sound that are integrated together to allow the manifestation of a particular state. It is said that when you learn to act with kriya, then action becomes aligned with the larger pattern of the self and you become free of blocks, attachments, blindness and ego.
In this workshop you will learn basic seated asanas (poses), different mudras (hand positions) to guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain, and bandhas (locks) and how it works together as an exercise, a meditation, a connection to energy flow and a self-diagnostic tool.
This workshop is for yoga practitioners and first timers, who want to develop the capacity to generate and manage flow of life energy within the body to release healing powers of the body.
Wear light, comfortable clothes; bring a yoga mat, an eye covering and a light shawl. Early bird rate is P800 on or before January 29; regular rate is P1,000.
The 2-hour workshop is from 10:00 to 12:00nn on February 2, 2019 at Rebel Yoga, 6th floor Cojuangco Building, 119 Dela Rosa St., Legazpi Village, Makati. For inquiries, SMS (0918) 888-9198.