I hope you were able to catch the Super Full Moon last Tuesday, January 2.
It is said that this Full Moon falling in the water sign of Cancer will set the tone for the New Year 2018. An introspective period, tasking us to go inward and listen to our inner voice. This is the time to be authentic, to be vulnerable, be your true Self, your satnam, and to allow yourself to express those parts of yourself that you feel people will not like about you.
Super full moon capture on January 2, 2018, in my hood. 😉
Call it serendipity, I stumbled upon the 2018 astrology forecast of AstroShaman, Benjamin Bernstein the other day and he too said the current planetary aspect is one of the most important astrological factors accelerating spiritual awakening around the world. He called it the ‘Golden Age’ where large numbers of people are awakening to their true spiritual nature.
Get ready to evolve!
What’s also interesting is that this year’s universal number adds up to the master number 11.
A master number teaches you how to master your life. This means to expect more opportunities as well as more challenges for you to master your life.
It is said that ‘11’ is the gateway that brings you to the next phase of your soul’s evolution. The task is to have the courage to step into it. And as you step into power and become more aware, take note that all your fears, your shadows will come up for you to heal. These are the gifts that will be revealed to you and help you move forward.
Here’s to 2018! May you learn to master your senses and tune into yourself, your satnam and listen to your intuition to guide you to your path to manifest your soul’s purpose.
In loving service,