As I was preparing the sets for this month’s love challenge…
I remembered my ex. He was a very romantic guy but hated everything about Hallmark, the greeting card. He said that it was too commercialized, which is why we didn’t celebrate most of the publicized holidays, especially Valentine’s.

But now to do away with bad memories and let more love in, it is the season after all! That’s why the next #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge is about love.

The meditations for this challenge will cultivate self-love.
How do you really feel about yourself? How does your mind speak to you — as your friend, or as your enemy? Are you constantly judging yourself? Comparing yourself to others and falling short?

For those who’ve been coming to my Kundalini Yoga class, you may have heard me say that the mind is public enemy #1. It gives us a thousand thoughts per blink of an eye and most of the time, thoughts are negative. We think that we don’t measure up, we are not good enough, not worthy. These negative thoughts usually come up when we do not accept ourselves.

I am not saying that after 14-days of doing the challenge you will learn to love yourself. but It is the start of a process of undoing what we have learned, and inherited. We were not taught how to express the emotion of love and care by our primary caretakers – our parents, teachers – because they weren’t taught as well by their role models.

With the challenge, you will learn to accept everything about you – the good, the bad and the ugly.

You will learn compassion. Compassion is something that happens within one, as one moves towards self-acceptance. Because compassion needs to begin at your heart.

The first place where compassion begins to arise is within you towards you. And that is the acceptance of your virtues and your shortcomings of your persona and shadow, of your strengths and weaknesses, of the perfection and imperfection. So the greater that acceptance is, the greater the capacity to feel the same way to respond the same way to the other. The other is nothing but a mirror of yourself.

One thing is, the work that you do through the acceptance that requires allowing yourself to see yourself, to be an observer of yourself, to understand yourself, to know yourself. And as you know yourself, you then begin to give room to all of this which is you that you haven’t allowed in your heart.

I hope you can join the challenge. The prize is a free pass to join the Success and Prosperity 4-week Kundalini Yoga series this March.

And now, off to the next great adventure. Continue to seek, to grow, to bloom in love — in all the days that follow.

Love you all!

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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