If you’ve been feeling under the weather lately, you’re not alone.

My throat feels scratchy, eyes are watery and I’ve been sneezing and coughing. My immune system has been compromised due to all the traveling that I’ve done last week. That’s 4 take offs and 4 landings in a span of 24 hours (from Bhutan to Manila to Cebu) and lack of sleep.

Sound healing and gong therapy class with Rosan Cruz

Sound healing and gong therapy class with Rosan Cruz. Photo taken by Gai Olivares (White Space, 2017)

As the season changes from the nice cool weather to scorching hot, there are different pollens and allergens wafting through the air which can irritate the lungs and nasal passages. There are also viruses going around (particularly rhinoviruses and cornoavirsues) and other germs. My immune system is already under attack with all of these and now, all I can do is try to strengthen and build it with the tips that I am going to share with you today.

The immune system is the body's first line of defense system.

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense system. Its fundamental role is to protect the life of the body and recognizing what needs to be destroyed – virus, bacteria, environmental toxin, internal toxins and even a cancer cell. The stronger the immune system is, the more resistant to disease.

Thinking, feeling, and immunity strength

According to Sat Dharam Kaur, the function of the immune system is, “Intimately connected to what you think and feel. Emotions of faith, hope, joy, and a fighting spirit enhance immune function, while depression, lack of purpose, and repressed anger deplete it… If we define self as the ‘unique qualities and soul direction of an individual in relationship to the universal energy field’ then the immune system is a powerful barometer for how connected we are to our life’s meaning and purpose. Though we can have a well-paying job, status in our communities, a busy schedule, and outward success, our immune systems will let us know when we are not living our truth. We may become sick. Illness is the messenger, the catalyst for change.”

The three components of the immune system are the thymus gland, spleen, and liver. The thymus is located behind the heart in the upper sternum. It is the ‘boss’ of the white blood cells, the cells that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders.

The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen

The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and behind the stomach. It is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body, filled with white blood cells that are on duty to filter the blood, removing toxins. And lastly, the liver has Kupffer cells, which are white blood cells that surround, engulf and destroy toxins. The liver manufactures one sixth of all the lymph in the body, which circulates everywhere.

Note that when the lymph glands aren’t doing their job, and the lungs aren’t working properly, dead cells and mucous in the lungs do not clear out. If this continues, ultimately you could get seriously ill.

There is a saying from an ancient scripture that goes: “When anything above the Navel Point goes wrong, it is almost always a permanent problem. Below the Navel Point, a problem can always be cured.”

To reduce your risk of catching colds or flu this season, here are some tips:

A sound healing and gong therapy session with Rosan Cruz

Experience sound healing and gong therapy with Rosan Cruz. Photo by Dona Tumacder-Esteban

White blood cells of the immune system are compromised by stress and periods of relaxation are essential. Limit your sugar and sweets intake as excessive amounts harm the spleen. Also remember to regularly wash your hands with soap and water, as the cold virus can live on human skin for at least two hours. Sweat contains acids that makes the skin uninhabitable by bacteria or virus and other pathogens so regularly exercise and do yoga.

Meditate to reduce your stress level and sleep well. Here are some some affirmations that I’ve learned for each of the components of the immune system that you can do.

Repeat the phrases 3x each for each organ. Say them out loud:

Thymus : Tap the upper part of your sternum (which stimulates the thymus)
I am found behind your upper sternum, close to your heart. I am made stronger by your love. I call white blood cells from the bone marrow to me. I train them to co-operate and perform specific jobs. I send them out into the blood to patrol the body. I respond well to feelings of joy, hope, prayer and self-love. I need to feel supported I need you to be relaxed for me to function well.

Spleen: Tap the outer part of the upper left part of the abdomen
I am found beneath your diaphragm and behind your stomach, and am the size of your fist. I am packed full of powerful, intelligent lymphocytes. The macrophages on duty in me identify and destroy all bacteria, viruses and toxins as they circulate in the blood through me. I am an amazing filter for debris in the blood.

Liver: Place your hand over your liver on the right side of your body beneath the rib cage.
I am a magnificent factory for manufacturing lymphatic fluid. I am able to detoxify whatever comes my way.

May you heal your body so that you can help heal others around you.

In loving service.


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