Today is the tenth day of the immersion training.
The excitement is high! There are 48 student teachers from all over the world of different ages, races, and professions. All came to Espanola for deep transformation and personal growth. I’ve been seeing tremendous shifts happening already and I’m still pinching myself to make sure that I’m really here.

Ardash Kaur with lead trainers Nirvair Singh and Sat Siri

We’ve had exceptional teachers so far like Nirvair Singh, the CEO of Kundalini Research Institute; Dr. Japa Kaur, the Development Chair for the Guru Ram Das Center of Medicine and Humanology, and Dev Suroop, an accomplished musician, recording artist with specialty in Naad Yoga. Jai Dev and Sat Kirin are coming up soon.

Nirvair told everyone to enjoy themselves.
It is a serious business becoming a teacher he said, but “not so serious that you divest yourself from the joy within”.

Yogi Bhajan said that “it’s a privilege to teach. It is an honor to sit in front of a class to have their attention and trust. You represent the students’ higher consciousness. So teach from a neutral place within yourself – that place that is neither a woman nor a personal self. That place is the teacher and you pledge to teach from that place. You teach to give others an experience of their identity, purity, and infinity.”

It’s a skill to remain neutral, to come to stillness and not triggered by emotions and commotion that makes us reactive to circumstances and challenges in life.

Bear with me as I close with some announcements
One week down with the #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge. Keep those photos coming, and do update me on your practice. Have you been feeling the difference?

And it’s early, but let’s practice together on the shores of Siargao in October. I’ll be holding another Kundalini Yoga Retreat and Getaway at Lotus Shores, and it will be a great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Book now to avail of a special early bird rate.

Wherever you are, reflect and identify with gratitude the blessings in your life.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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