Theta Healing® Advanced DNA Course

Go deeper with advanced techniques to take your healing, wellbeing and spiritual awakening to the next level
October 25 –  27, 2018
Greenhills, San Juan

Discover more advanced and faster techniques to implement in your practice

In the Advanced DNA2 ThetaHealing course, you’ll learn techniques such as how to clear old resentments, regrets, vows, and commitments that hold you back will be introduced. You will discover to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises.

In the 3-day course, you will receive Feelings that are downloaded directly from the Creator of All That Is to bring profound healing. The course is transformative as you are filled with many and new positive feelings such as how to appreciate the now and what self acceptance and self love feels on the Seventh Plane.

With the completion of the Advanced DNA2 Practitioner course, you would have developed a strong foundation in the basics of Theta Healing and continue as a Theta Healing Practitioner.

In this course you will learn:

  • Four level programming
  • Grounding
  • How to create Feelings
  • Planes of Existence
  • Digging or Belief Work
  • Fear Work
  • Release Resentments, Regrets and Rejection
  • Clear Free Floating Memories
  • Send Love to Baby in the Womb
  • The Heart Song to release sorrow and anger from the past and present
  • Connect to Ancestors
  • Bend Time
  • Clear Past Vows and Commitments

Prerequisite: Basic DNA

Includes: Vianna Stibal’s Advanced Theta Healing® Book and course materials

Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® Advanced DNA Practitioner so that you can use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.

Theta Healing® ADVANCED DNA


*Includes book and course materials
Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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