Forecast: The Sun is now in Libra and it’s all about achieving balance and harmony.
How many Librans do you know? I had a dear friend who passed away seven years ago due to melanoma. She was charming, intelligent, kind, pleasant and was everybody’s happy-pill and angel. Librans do love to be with people and are happiest with family and friends.

This social sign will rule from Monday’s equinox to the new super moon on Sunday (Manila time, 5:07 am) will guide us to re-assess all our relationships. This is the time to heal any rifts with family and friends and evaluate those who are causing you pain, weighing you down or holding you back. This is also the time to break free from any toxic relationship. The Libra energy will help you balance and most likely, release anything and everything destructive, including past events, situations, and circumstances.

As you reassess, try this meditation from last Autumn Equinox kundalini yoga class last Monday.
This is the meditation that can help you let go of attachments, including the impact of your past actions. It will help tap into your deeply rooted fear programming that says, “When we let go, we have nothing.”

What this meditation does is it helps reroute mental pathways to renew the mind to heal discordant energy and make way for anything that you want to manifest in your life. Yogi Bhajan had said, “When we let go of our hold on people, places, and situations, we release the chords of attachment and merge into a space of neutrality and non-attachment, where we are available to receive through our experience. Holding on leaves little room for new manifestations and creations to blossom. When we hold on, we create energetic boundaries that say No thank you to new ideas and inspiration. “

This three-part meditation will, “Redeem all negativity of the past and present, smooth out your day-to-day problems and create a positive tomorrow. It will change your luck and allow prosperity to flow.”

How to do the meditation:

Sit in Easy Pose with the eyes 1/10th open while concentrating at the point between the brows. Rest the wrists on the knees, with hands in Gyan Mudra.

Part I: Chant the mantra SA-TA-NA-MA RA-MA-DA-SA SA-SAY-SO-HUNG on a single breath, as you press the fingertips sequentially with each syllable to the thumb. Start with the index finger (SA), middle finger (TA), ring finger (NA), pinkie finger (MA) then back again to the index finger. Use a monotone voice. Do this for at least 11 minutes (maximum time is 42 minutes). .

Part II: Inhale deeply and hold the breath. Move the body in a slow twist and stretch motion. Move each muscle of the body. Move the head, torso, arms, back, belly, and hands. Then exhale powerfully. Repeat this three times.

Part III: Immediately sit straight. Look at the tip of the nose and become totally calm and still. Meditate for 3 minutes.

To end the meditation, inhale and hold the breath for 30 seconds as you physically move and rotate your body as if it is going through spasms. Move and squeeze every muscle. Repeat this 3 more times. Then inhale, sit calmly, and concentrate on the tip of your nose for 20 seconds. Exhale, and relax.

And before I close, some reminders:
The next four-week kundalini yoga series is to Activate the Power of Communication which starts on October 10.

We’re also preparing to welcome International Kundalini Yoga legacy Teachers, Tarn Taran Singh and Tarn Kaur in November. That’s soon! This will be an amazing opportunity to deepen your practice, so don’t miss out. We have a special early bird rate until October 15 for extra special value.

Hope to see you all there!

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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