Have you ever noticed the finger positions on Buddha statues? Their finger and hand positions depict different types of mudras.

I’m currently rearranging my home to welcome the energy of the new moon as well as the coming lunar year. As I’m dusting off some decorative items, I got drawn to my Buddha statues, specifically to their hands. Their finger and hand movements positions depict different types of mudras.

In yoga, a mudra denotes a position of the hands that seals and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The hands are considered an energy map of our consciousness and health. Each area of the hand connects to a certain part of the body or brain representing different emotions and behaviors. In our catholic tradition, we use a mudra called Angeli or Prayer mudra where the two hands are together at the heart center.

Yogis explain that when you put the right and left hands together, you are neutralizing the positive and negative polarities of the electromagnetic field.

This action creates a neutral space in the electromagnetic field. The position of the knuckles of the thumbs at the area of the sternum is a reflex point for the vagus nerve. This activates the vagus nerve which is associated with the feeling of compassion, empathy, goodness and kindness. This pressure immediately causes pineal and pituitary glands to secrete, creating a resonance in the brain that moves it out of its normal rhythm to a meditative state. This allows one’s prayer to come from the heart. Each finger relates to planetary energy and the quality that each planet represents, with the thumb relating to the persona.

This mudra from 2,500 year old yoga technology helps you open up blocks in communication using the Buddhi Mudra or Seal of Mental Clarity.

Touching the thumb and pinky finger together calls upon the planet Mercury, which represents quickness and mental powers of communication. Thus, this mudra opens the capacity to communicate clearly and intuitively and stimulates psychic development. It enhances physical beauty too and maintains equilibrium in the fluid balance of the body. For treatment, it helps in loss of taste, dryness of eyes, dehydration, indigestion, constipation, dryness of skin, hormone deficiency and degeneration of joint cartilage.

Mudra to talk to anyone (left) and to communicate something bothering you (right)

To give you the inner strength to communicate anywhere with anyone, under any circumstances, press the pad of the thumb firmly onto the nail of the pinky finger while extending the other three fingers, and mediate for about one minute or longer, breathing slow and deep. (See header photo above for reference)

If you don’t know how to communicate something that is bothering you, touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinky finger, and mediate for about one minute or longer, breathing slow and deep. This mudra works also well when you are trying to find creative inspiration but feel a mental clog.

I hope this helps, especially now that we’re challenged with so many new tools to communicate.

If you want to know the mudra on how to solve communication problems, drop me a line and I will send it to you.

In loving service,

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