What is Shamanic Healing?

Learn more about this healing modality that can transform your health and wellbeing

Shamanic healing is a transformative practice that involves a deep relationship with compassionate transcendent spirits. This holistic approach addresses the spiritual dimensions of illness and can complement any other healing modalities you may be exploring.

Illness often arises from a loss of spiritual power or the presence of foreign energies within the body. By focusing on the spiritual aspects of physical, mental, or emotional challenges, shamanic healing can alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, discomfort, or a general sense of unwellness.

A session may include:

  • Divination: Gaining insights and guidance for your healing journey.
  • Shamanic Extraction: Removing negative energies or blockages.
  • Soul Portion Retrieval: Recovering lost parts of the soul due to trauma.
  • Guardian Spirit/Power Animal Retrieval: Connecting you with protective spirit guides.
  • Drum Healing: Utilizing rhythmic drumming to facilitate healing.
  • Passing Spiritual Power: Transferring healing energies to empower you.
  • Psychopomp Work: Assisting spirits in their journey to the afterlife.


Shamanic healing has been practiced by indigenous cultures around the globe for thousands of years, with its roots traced back to Siberia. This ancient practice has been used to treat physical ailments, emotional imbalances, and spiritual disconnections by engaging with the energies and spirits of the natural world. Practitioners enter altered states of consciousness through a technique known as journeying.

Dr. Michael Harner, the founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), developed Core Shamanism by distilling essential elements from various indigenous traditions. Core Shamanism emphasizes the use of altered states of consciousness to access spiritual realms for healing and guidance, making these practices accessible to individuals from all cultural backgrounds.


Shamanic healing connects with transcendent spirits for spiritual guidance and energies to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. The process involves entering altered states of consciousness through sonic driving using rhythmic drumming and rattling.

The shamanic journey has no time or space. This practice can be done in person or remotely. Shamanic healing nurtures your spiritual immune system, recognizing that what manifests in ordinary reality often has a corresponding aspect in non-ordinary reality.

Want to experience the power of Shamanic Healing to transform your life? Click here to book a private session.

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