It’s all about prosperity this month.
Everyone wants to be prosperous in life. We’ve always associated it with being successful, thriving, wealthy.  If we trace Prosperity to it’s the Latin root words, “pro” means forward and towards while “sper” comes from the verb that means “to hope, expect, anticipate.”
Prosperity actually means looking ahead with optimism, with excited anticipation. It’s about flowing – that your spirit can flow and be you. It’s about relaxing into the inner knowing that we expect to be fully supported in all we do. It’s an awareness that our true wealth is inside of us.
Nowadays we are measured by the success that we attain, but it’s more than that. 
We graduate from school, work, climb the corporate ladder or get married, have children – or do both tracks. When things change or go awry, we resist, deny, fight, get angry, try to control or manipulate. The key in prosperity is to flow, to surrender. But this doesn’t mean giving up. Surrender suggests an intentional surrender of the will, to accept and submit to something more powerful than us. As Lao Tzu put it, it’s to be wise is to have learnt how one must sometimes “surrender to the whole universe”.
I remember when I was in corporate, I was handling several projects at a time. The projects had  to be implemented as planned, which means within approved budgets, resources and defined timetables. In retrospect, it caused me a lot of stress at work and in my relationships. I insisted on controlling things and protesting against everything that was causing any kind of change. I did get the projects done but the accomplishment made me feel drained, miserable and empty.
I’m so different from my corporate persona, and old workmates tell me so.

Nowadays, when things don’t pan out well, I find myself reciting the Serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. 

And the key is to know the difference.

Good news to those who joined the 14-day Love Challenge.

The two winners are Cristina Manalad and Nikie Esmero. Both will be joining four Thursdays of the 4-Week Prosperity series, held every Thursday this month at Rebel Yoga Manila. Congratulations and thank you for your participation!

And for those looking for their flow, this month’s Scent and Sound Healing will help you break through blocks, move you out of your insecurities and develop greater self-love and self-worth.

Wishing you all a prosperous March! May you reap the rewards of not just your hard work, but of tuning in and letting your true self shine through. 

In loving service,
Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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