Happy Chinese new year of the Water Rabbit! The Chinese astrological sign Rabbit symbolizes longevity, peace, and prosperity; 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

Every year, Feng Shui (Chinese geomancy) masters use the nine Flying Stars to determine the auspicious energies of the year. The energies are based on the directions or positions of the nine stars. The good stars bring luck, wealth, and fame, while the bad stars bring misfortunes, ill health, and bad luck.

For 2023, the Flying Star Chart for the year of the rabbit shows five lucky stars and four unlucky ones.

Flying Star Chart of 2023

Here are some remedies to enhance good energy for the year of the Rabbit:

Southwest (One): Victory Star represents emerging victorious over rivals, winning over the competition, gaining good fortune, a good reputation, and professional and academic achievements. Add wood and water elements, living plants, flowers, and water fountains to activate this auspicious star.

East (Two): Illness Star rules disease and injury. A Wu Loo (gourd) is a popular cure, and make sure not to further activate the Fire element with too much lighting. Also, check for unnecessary Earth elements and place metal elements such as wind chimes.

Southeast (Three): Hostile Star brings hostility and lawsuits. If this is your main entrance, try to avoid using this area. Avoid water elements and the colors black, blue, and gray. Place metal elements or colors white, gold and silver. .

Center (Four) : Romance Stars brings excellent opportunities for love, marriage, travel, academic pursuits, and potentially lucky affiliations for career and business. Place love enhancers.

Northwest (Five): Yellow Misfortune Star is the most ominous star, representing bad news in many forms. Avoid renovation work or anything that creates a loud noise.

West (Six): Heavenly Star is the location for wealth accumulation. To activate, display wealth ingots, Chinese abacus or install a water feature and other wealth enhancers.

Northeast (Seven): Violent Star brings possible theft, burglary, and violence. The negative influence may be countered by installing water features, a painting of a water feature, a blue accent or figurine, and rhino and elephant symbols.

South (Eight): Wealth Star brings wealth luck and is also the most prosperous direction this year. Doors, windows, seats, beds, and stoves should be placed in the due south.

North (North): Future Prosperity Star brings future expansion. Activate the positive energy with bright lights and other fire-element energies.

If you want more enhancers, visit Feng Shui masters, who will calculate your lucky stars based on your date, time, and place of birth.

The Chinese New Year on January 22 to celebrate the year of the rabbit happens to be a super New Moon and falls at 1 degree of Aquarius, a highly karmic degree for new beginnings. Imagine how that would feel when you practice in the week ahead.

Wishing you all well in this chance to start over.

In loving service,

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