Mercury will be in retrograde until August 27! The planet Mercury governs communication, technology, and the flow of information. It represents our ability to absorb information quickly and share it with others. However, during Mercury retrograde, this natural flow of energy is disrupted, making it difficult to express ourselves clearly.

To navigate this period successfully, it’s essential to approach Mercury retrograde with patience, maintain clear communication, and be adaptable.

Here are seven common pitfalls to watch out for during Mercury retrograde:

1. Signing Important Contracts or Agreements. This retrograde phase can lead to confusion about terms, potentially resulting in legal complications.

2. Accepting or Starting a New Job. Workplace dynamics and responsibilities may shift unexpectedly after starting a new position during this time.

3. Relying Too Heavily on Technology. Glitches, crashes, and lost files are common. Be sure to back up your data and have a contingency plan in place.

4. Cutting It Close with Travel Plans. Expect delays, cancellations, and other disruptions. Allow for extra travel time and consider purchasing travel insurance to mitigate potential issues.

5. Having Critical Conversations. Miscommunication and heightened emotions are likely. It may be wise to postpone major discussions until after the retrograde ends to avoid unnecessary conflict.

6. Making Big Purchases. Retrograde can cloud your judgment, leading to buyer’s remorse. It’s advisable to hold off on significant financial decisions during this time.

7. Rushing into New Projects or Relationships. Plans may change unexpectedly, so it’s prudent to stay flexible and avoid over-committing.

Make the most of the next three weeks during Mercury retrograde by slowing down, enjoying nature, and remaining open to the lessons this retrograde has to offer. Instead of fearing it, embrace this opportunity for reflection and growth!

In loving service,


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