Answering an inquiry about ways to open the Heart chakra: I’m going through a terrible heart issue, and just got hit by what you said, now I’m focusing on the spiritual, emotional level of the heart chakra. What do I do now?

Chakras are subtle energy centers that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. There are seven chakras. Each one is associated with the organs, glands, and nerves of the particular area where they are in the body.

The seven chakras

That’s why balancing the chakras is essential, as they strongly affect our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Physically, the heart chakra is related to the heart, lungs, arms, hands, thymus gland, and immune system. Emotionally, this is related to grief, anxiety, and sorrow. When the energy of this chakra is blocked, physical difficulties may manifest, such as heart, circulatory, blood pressure, lungs, and even breast issues. And emotionally, it can cause a feeling of disconnect, a lack of empathy, and an inability to trust oneself or others.

When the heart chakra is open and balanced, we are full of love, forgiveness, and compassion. We treat everyone with kindness and offer forgiveness easily to ourselves as well. We are generous and emphatic, and our very presence is healing for those around us.

In this period of overwhelming information and stress, it is essential to balance the heart.

I’m sharing some ways to help you balance your heart chakra:

1. Use the color green, which is the color of the Heart Chakra. Wear green clothes or splash some green color in your space. Plants are a great way to add green in your space and are healthy as they release oxygen.

2. Eat green by introducing healthier green food such as broccoli, cucumbers, green apples, and leafy salads to your diet.

3. Chanting mantras are powerful. It can change the chemistry of your brain and your whole vibrational being. Having them played in the background is helpful if you can’t chant. You can play mantras in your home, office, car, or even when you sleep to clear out negative energy and attract strength, courage, and inspiration. I usually leave a mantra playing on loop at home. Click here for my top six mantras.

4. Recite positive affirmations every day to improve your wellbeing. Leave little notes on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator door.

5. Sound frequency like the powerful Earth gong which is tuned to 136.1 Hz to open your heart to feel more receptive, generous, accepting, and forgiving. You can also use the 528 Hz solfeggio to help recalibrate your DNA structure and open your heart chakra to unconditional love.

6. Gaiaroma’s heart essential oil blend can help you to balance your heart by elevating your inner state and external environment. Use the oil several ways: put 2-3 drops in a diffuser, 2-3 drops on your hands, and inhale or massage 3-4 drops onto your body parts before you sleep.

7. Use crystals to balance your energy center, amplify your field and space, and heal emotional traumas. Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love – love of self, family, friends, and romantic love. It opens the heart to compassion for self and others and raises self-esteem. It eases guilt and balances emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace. Use this crystal to enhance positive self-affirmations. Since the heart chakra is color green, choose green crystals such as Malachite for emotional healing, which will help you to take action and allow change to happen; Prehnite to form a union of the heart, mind, and will; Aventurine to help heal old emotional wounds while simultaneously opening us up to receive more love, and Jade to increase love and to nurture

8. Do yoga heart-opener poses such as camel pose, wheel, bridge, and bow pose.

9. Sit and meditate. Meditation is training attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. It can help you restore your energy flow. In the practice of Kundalini yoga, there are hundreds of meditations. This specific one is a chanting mantra meditation to strengthen and heal your heart and bring out the power of your heart.

Here’s how to do the Heart Opener meditation:

Sit with your spine straight (on a chair or cross-legged on the floor). Bring your hands into an open Lotus mudra in front of your heart. The base of the palms comes together—the side of the pinkie fingers and thumbs touch. The remaining fingers are straight and spread open. The eyes are focused at the tip of the nose.

Lotus mudra for the Heart chakra chanting meditation wearing Blossoming Heart by 108 healing malas

Chant the mantra Humee Hum Brahm Hum which means we are the spirit of the divine. As you do this meditation, many feelings may pass through, and old wounds begin to melt into the sound current.

For those wondering and for the one who asked, I hope this helps. May you feel the difference in your practice.

In loving service,

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