Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday and will be there until July 12.
If you’ve been feeling emotional lately, sluggish or even more burnt out than usual, that’s why. It’s that time of the

It’s not just Mercury that’s in retrograde, but also Venus (love, money), Jupiter (expansion, abundance), Saturn (karma, responsibility), and Pluto (transformation). Although Venus will go direct on June 25, Neptune (illusion, inspiration) will be in retrograde on June 23. That’s a total of five planets right now during the eclipse season, which started with a lunar eclipse on June 5, a solar eclipse on June 21 and another lunar eclipse on July 5.

Anytime a planet stations retrograde, the Universe is giving us an opportunity to incubate, become introspective, pause, reflect, review the experiences that we had. It is asking us to assess the lessons learned from our actions before moving forward.

Everything is happening right now in the sensitive sign of Cancer.
It’s all about home, family, roots, nurturing, and compassion. The lockdown provided the right circumstances to be with (or without) our family and think about our sense of nationhood.

The period is guiding us to trust ourselves and to follow our own inspiration and calling. Ask yourself: Is there anything that I can change my approach to the things I do? Am I working toward something I truly want? Is this my Truth? Am I aligned to my highest Self? Am I doing the things I’ve been dreaming or am I living up to someone else’s expectations?

With the solar eclipse, which coincides with the solstice, astrologers say that there is revolutionary energy that is going to be triggering us in a major way.
The time has come for us to break out of the norm, embrace all that we are, and pave our own way. The combination happened over 400 years ago.

The real gift of this Eclipse-Solstice portal is a rare and auspicious opportunity to make great leaps towards living out your dreams. It’s really giving us a big push to align to our highest self to create ourselves where we can feel loved and supported by ourselves, confident to be ourself and live our truth. This is the time to listen to the wisdom of our hearts with much more ease.

Activate, elevate, then go inward.
This whole weekend is about raising the vibrations of this time. To help you, you can join the Activate the energy of Gratitude through Scent and Sound Healing on Saturday at 10:00 am or the Elevate your Spirit, Strengthen Your Aura workshop from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

As energies are intense this week, stay steady and calm. The SSunday meditation class is to Create Space for Miracles at 10 am. Click on the links for details.

You got through yesterday, you got through this email, you will get through this.

Take care and stay healthy.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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