Yesterday was the first day of the five-class kundalini yoga online series on Success and Prosperity.
This series is all about shifting our internal attitude, and that begins with shifting our seed thoughts. I usually run this series for two months, on Thursdays at the yoga studio.

An example of shifting our seed thoughts is by changing the way you think about your work if you want to be successful at what you do. If you hate your job or can’t stand your boss or peers, you will never find happiness. I remember when I was in corporate, I would whine about how my co-workers did not share the same enthusiasm and commitment to work as I did. The more I’d share this observation with others, the more I would find faults to justify their underperformance and legitimize my complaints.

It’s like what Lao Tzu cautioned us 2,500 years ago, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Observe your words; they become actions. Look at your actions; they become a habit. Observe your habits; they become characters. Observe your character; it becomes your destiny.” Our thoughts are the strongest creative energy, and we truly become what we focus our thoughts on.

Even the founder of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, has said that “Negative thoughts are the base of your misfortune and poverty – when you allow them, the loss is yours. Positive thoughts are the base of prosperity and contentment – when you allow them, the gain is yours.”

I’m sharing this 11-minute meditation for letting go of nagging negative thoughts.
This meditation will help you release thoughts that are disrupting your life in any way right now. With the negative tension gone, you’re no longer preoccupied with the negatives that create self-destructive and self-sabotaging behaviors. You can now relax and acknowledge the goodness and worth of everything and everyone in your life. In the process, you will be open to possibilities.

Here’s how to to do it:
Sit in Easy Pose crossed-legged on the floor ( or in a chair) with a straight spine. Make a cup of your hands with the right hand on top of the left and the fingers crossing each other. Relax the upper arms by the sides and place your cupped hands at the level of the heart. Focus your eye gaze into the cup. Meditate on the thought that has been plaguing you. Inhale deeply through the nose, inhaling the negative thought. Exhale through the puckered mouth. The exhale feels like a long, dry spitting motion of the air into the palms. Spit out the negative thought with the breath.

After 11 minutes, inhale and exhale. Keep your hands in a cup, close the eyes, breathe through the nose, and focus on the spine. Slowly draw your concentration down the spine to the bottom. Feel the 26th vertebrae. Feel the spine as if you are feeling a stick in your hand. The more you can feel the entire spine to the base, the more the energy flow and relief will occur.

Based on the science of self-hypnosis, this meditation can alter the energy pattern of thought flow. It works on the pranic energy in the aura and changes a particular area of the brain. Once the negative thoughts are eliminated, the positive thoughts can manifest without interference.

More meditations on Monday and Thursday, and a brief safe weekend getaway!
If you want to escape the city and enjoy vitamin C (Sea) to relax and destress, join me next weekend in Balesin Island. The weekend Serenity Series in Balesin has regulations in place to ensure full safety for all participants.

My birthday is coming up on July 27, and I will be celebrating with a 3:00 am meditation to expand through all obstacles. Yes, it’s very early in the morning or late at night, but it is said that chanting the mantra Aap Sahee Hoa for 62 minutes between 3 to 4 am can relieve unbearable financial pressure. It will also be a seva, as I will be passing the online hat around for donations for Anam Cara to help cover their rent.

Ending this with a prayer for all of us to learn how to stay positive, and that we listen to what we say to ourselves and to others.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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