As you can see, I had a canker sore at the tip of my tongue. I haven’t had this in a long time, and it’s very, very painful. It kept me from eating properly, so I feel like I lost 5 pounds this week. My tongue was burning, and it wasn’t easy to eat and talk. I even had to check if my symptoms were covid-19 related. It wasn’t, so I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. All I had to do was to tackle the pain.

In case you haven’t had one, a canker sore is not contagious. According to Mayo Clinic, it’s also called an aphthous ulcer. It is a small, shallow lesion that develops on the soft tissues in the mouth or at the base of the gums.

I want to thank all those who recommended home treatment remedies. Now my canker sore is gone, so I’m sharing a list of what to do in case you do get it:

1. Gargle often. I was gargling every 30 minutes with three solutions: salt and warm water, hydrogen peroxide and warm water and hexetedine, an anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal mouthwash.

2. Put rock salt directly onto the canker sore. That is, if you can withstand the pain, it’s worth trying. It will sterilize it, dry it up and close it fast.

3. Take vitamin supplements: B12, Folic Acid, Zinc, and lots of vitamin C.

4. Apply Clove essential oil, milk of magnesia, or honey. Colloidal silver supposedly works too, but I haven’t tried it.

5. Avoid acidic and spicy foods that can cause further irritation and pain.

It took a week to heal, and I’m now watching what I take in.

To prevent it from happening again, I’m sharing some helpful guidelines:

– Avoid foods that irritate the mouth such as nuts, chips, pretzels, salty and acidic fruits (pineapple, grapefruit, and oranges).

– Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

– Brush teeth and floss right after meals.

– Most importantly, reduce stress and sleep more.

Health is wealth nowadays, so even if we’re at home most of the time, make an effort to eat right and take care.

These are class announcements, yes, but also a reminder to get into or stick to healthy habits.
I’ll be doing the Kundalini Yoga 101 series again in September. A student enjoyed it and said that it helped with her emotional balance, so if you’re feeling unsettled as lockdown prolongs, this may be the class for you.

On Monday, August 31, I’ll be doing a Gong Bath sound healing meditation at the You Well-being Festival at 8:00 pm! It’s a four-day event starting tomorrow, August 28 until Monday, August 31. The all-access four-day pass is P1,500, and the one-day pass is P750.

Gong Bath sound healing meditation at the You Well-being Festival on August 31, 2020

If you miss this, I’ll be conducting a Scent and Sound Healing on Sept4ember 12 at 10:00 am help you cultivate peacefulness within.

The gong is an amazing and powerful instrument for healing work. If you do join, make sure you have a suitable listening device, such as speakers or earphones, so that you can feel the sound vibrations. I’ll be playing at night, so you can immediately go to bed to allow the healing to do its work.

The gong bath releases a lot of toxins, pent up emotions, and stress, so drink lots of water for the next two days. And as thank you for being a part of my journey, there’s a 10% discount!! Please use the promo code FORYOU10 and buy your access pass at

In these uncertain times, catch and take care of yourself so you can also take care of others. See you in class, wherever you are.

In loving service,

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