With the uncertainty and the reality of this new normal, maybe fear has been coming up for you. You may find yourself continually worrying or anxious. All emotions – heartache, hate, anger, doubt, and despair – are frequencies that can weigh you down and consume you. And no one wants to carry all these emotions around.

I’m going to share a tool that helped me clear my space – be it my headspace or home.
I chant mantras – the use of sound to affect consciousness. Man means mind and tra means wave or projection, and putting it together translates to the sound current which controls mental vibration. Chanting mantras can change the chemistry of your brain and your whole vibrational being. If you can’t chant, having them played in the background is useful. It can still work to set a new vibrational impact in your mind, and especially in your surroundings.

As you chant or play the mantra, it becomes a part of you. It would echo in your ears when negativity creeps into your life, making a sort of fail-safe against the darkness within. If you feel your home has negative energy within it, play a mantra to stop it in its tracks and bring in the light of the Divine.

You can play mantras in your home, office, car, even when you sleep to clear out negative energy and attract strength, courage, and inspiration. I usually leave a mantra playing on loop at home.

Here are 6 mantras to help you get through the pandemic:
Aad Such Jugaad Such is helpful for bad days. It helps remove obstacles and is useful for when you feel stuck or confused, and when you are ready to let go of something to create space for something new.

Aap Sahai Hoa has so much depth, power, and beauty that it brings prosperity, healing, and protection to those who chant it. This mantra blocks the impact of animosity and can give you mental self-control.

Jai Te Gung cuts through the darkness around you, whether created by your mind or created by the minds of those around you. It channels the power of the cosmic sword, like the Sword of Archangel Michael in Judeo-Christian belief, the energy of which slices through negativity and darkness, leaving only light in its path. The mantra speaks of a great sword that will remove all demons from our mind and body.

Rakhe Rakhanar protects against all hostile forces, inner and outer, which are blocking us from moving on our true path. It cuts like a sword through every negative vibration, thought, word, and action.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung calls upon the energy of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing. Chant this mantra to heal the self or to send healing energy to anyone you wish.

Sa Re Sa Sa is an uplifting mantra that addresses challenges and will help you overcome adversity; any unpleasant situation, be it bad luck, misfortune, misadventure, etc.

Aside from playing mantras, an excellent way to rid your home and space of negative energy is the sound of the gong. I’m now willing to do space clearing again, so contact me to arrange for it.

Gong bath at the Aegle Wellness Center in Balesin

Class schedule this September

On September 12 is the Scent and Sound Healing to cultivate peace. On September 17 is the Stress Release 7-class online series to help cope with stress in a healthy way that will make you and your loved ones stronger, calm, and steady. The practice generates the inner energy to survive and thrive under stress. And on September 19, I will be teaching on Saturday from 6:00 to 6:40 pm at the Global Mala Project Manila. The event is free this year, but donations are welcome. Proceeds will go to the Save the Children Philippines Project ARAL (Access to Resources for Alternative Learning).

With so much happening, take the effort to invest in space clearing and mindfulness. I wish you peace in the days ahead.

In loving service,

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