Did you know that the gong is one of the most soothing and rejuvenating ancient vibrational healing instruments? It works on the physical body as well as physical spaces.

A fun fact about gongs close to home: In Maguindanao, because of the deep, loud sound produced by the Agung gong, they believe it possessed supernatural powers. During an earthquake, they strike the Agung in a fast rhythm in the belief that its vibrations would lessen or even half the jolt.

The Agung – a bossed gong from Mindanao

I’ve always been fascinated by the healing power of gongs. My first gong bath was at the Kundalini Yoga Festival in 2013 in France. It quickly healed my jet lag and body pains. I’ve learned how to play since then and use it to help people heal themselves and clear spaces.

Negative energies can leave imprints in the walls, floor, ceilings, furniture, décors, paintings, and other personal belongings. The energy may cause discomfort, unease, and bring bad vibes. It’s just like sensing the energy surrounding a person. You instinctively stay away from someone with heavy vibration.

When you quarrel or argue, whether it be face-to-face or over the phone, I always recommend to clear the space immediately and release the charged emotion, so it doesn’t linger. And if you’re coming from a toxic, stressful environment -work, hospital, or funeral, it’s best to shower right away to rid of any negative energy before meeting your loved ones.

Space clearing is just like Feng Shui. It’s the practice of harmonizing the home or office elements to ensure good health and good fortune. It’s best to clear space after a disease or sickness, divorce, or death. Treat it as spiritual hygiene to maintain the energy of your home. Timing can be done during the lunar calendar, a specific milestone, or a new home or office.

Months have passed with us in our own homes in this stressful time. Think of what energy your home has now. Maybe a good time to clear your space? Contact me and let’s work something out.

In loving service,

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