Since the rebirthing retreat, I’ve been on life force food. I reintroduced ‘pasta’ last Wednesday, and noticed that the lymph nodes on my neck were a bit swollen after eating. I guess the pasta must’ve triggered something in my body.
Usually, a swollen lymph node signifies that our immune system has been compromised and is fighting an infection or illness. If you see a doctor, they usually check the neck area where the lymph nodes are. The lymph nodes are small bean-shaped glands clustered in critical spots such as the neck, underarms, and groin. We have about 500-600 lymph nodes.
The lymph node is part of the lymphatic system, essential for keeping us healthy. The lymphatic system serves as our transport and ‘drainage’ system. It is responsible for the transport of immune-defending white blood cells and removing toxins.
Lymph is a clear, watery fluid full of white blood cells that slowly pulses through our body as we breathe and move. Sat Dharam Kaur explains, “Lymph fluid starts out as plasma (the fluid part of the blood) which flows into the capillary bed through the arterial system. This fluid then leaves the capillaries, settles into the interstitial space, and nourishes the cells with hormones and nutrients. Some of this clear fluid then collects wastes and toxins and flows into the lymph vessels/ducts. Contraction of the muscle pumps lymph through the lymph ducts, allowing the fluid to be filtered in the lymph nodes.”
When our lymph nodes work extra hard to fight toxins, they start to swell.
If it’s in the neck, it may mean the flu or sinus infection. If it’s in the groin, it can be a skin infection (athlete’s foot), chickenpox, UTI, STD, or even HIV. And if it’s in the underarm, it may indicate an injury, mononucleosis, cellulitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or even a symptom of cancer such as breast cancer.
The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart. So, if the lymph flow in the body is weak, toxins can build up and wreak havoc on our general wellbeing. The leading causes of a weak lymphatic system are inactivity, stress, and, believe it or not, shallow breathing.
Very important for the ladies! Check your skin and chest when you remove your bra. If you notice red marks on your skin, your bra is too tight. The best is to avoid wearing an underwire bra. Get adequately fitted for a bra if need be. Make a goal this week of finding and wearing a comfortable bra.
Here are 10 tips to improve the circulation of the lymph:
1. Breathe! Your rib cage acts as your lymphatic pump. The expansion and contraction creates the pressure to move the lymph. Do long deep breathing and even breath of fire.
2. Hydrate, drink at least 8 glasses of water. Our lymph is about 95% water. Without adequate water in the body, the lymphatic fluid won’t be able to flow properly.
3. Move everyday for 40 minutes. Regular exercise such as walking and swimming will help move the lymph.
4. Use a rebounder and flap your arms.
5. Dry brush massage and use upward strokes towards the heart.
6. Alternate cold or hot showers to open the capillaries.
7. Have a massage – swedish or the lymphatic drainage massage.
8. For ladies, check your skin and chest when you remove your bra. If you notice red marks on your skin, your bra is too tight. Best is to avoid wearing an underwire bra. Get fitted properly for a bra if need be. Make a goal this week of finding and wearing a comfortable bra.
9. Practice Self-Breast self massage once a week (message me to send you how to do it).
10. And do lots of yoga!!
Keep moving, be mindful, stay safe.
In loving service,