I guess the last full moon has triggered a lot of people. I received a text message asking “What is a good mantra to dispel anger?”

Anger means a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. It is an intense emotional feeling associated with hateful thoughts and accompanied by increased and rapid heart rate, raised voice, frowning or scowling, clenched jaws and fists, nostrils flaring, eyes glaring, and shaking or trembling.

Anger isn’t a bad thing. The emotion comes up for our protection and is an appropriate response when we are harmed. It’s a reasonable response when our fundamental rights are being violated, for instance. In this context, it is a defensive emotion rather than offensive. It is a short and temporary survival tool.

Yogi Bhajan had said, “You can be angry [about] anything or everything―it’s a positive drive, it’s an energy, it’s agni granthi [fire]. Somebody once said, ‘I don’t want to be angry, bless me.’ I said, ‘No, I would have to cut out your stomach because anger means you will have heat. It would mean you have no blood circulation, no food digestion.'”

“Anger is the fire in your belly that digests your food, gets you out of bed, compels you to go out to conquer the day. You need Anger’s heat and light. Don’t get rid of Anger; without it, you are dead. Instead, learn to use it. We have all been hurt, and we’ve all been harmed; we’ve played the victim and the victimizer. We try both sides – too hot and too cold – until we get just right. ”

However, if anger becomes a habitual outburst, it will affect our body and mind over time. Studies have shown that angry people are more likely to have high blood pressure and to suffer a stroke or heart attack.

Here are some ways to deal with anger:


1. Playing mantras such as Ajai Alai and Dukh Par Har. Ajai Alai lifts one from depression and Anger. Dukh Par Har is used to transform anger and misery into peace and joy.

2. Acknowledge anger and talk to the feeling of anger. Ask questions to get to the very bottom of what has hurt you. Keep asking. You’ll know when you’re done when you find your core issue. You will feel a significant shift. Remain with the feelings, but not with thoughts, as you ask for solutions. How must I live in my power? What actions will honor me?

3. According to Chinese Medicine, anger comes from the liver. Take antioxidants to neutralize toxins in the liver, such as milk thistle, rosehips, dandelion, and goji berries. And eat beets, carrots, green foods, daikon radishes, and turmeric.

4. And yes, doing yoga regularly can increase the fire energy at your Navel point. This will help you find your power and teach you how to channel anger, to give you courage and empowerment. When you harness anger, it brings humility, which gives you access to your higher power.

Classes resume this month

I’m so glad to be back. Each immersive seminar is not just a way to reset, I come back home refreshed and with even more things to share in our sessions. So the Tune Up Your Organs Heal Your Body 8-class series has started, and you can still join in. It’s a good way to release blocked emotions, and the sets are designed to help you learn about the basic roles each organ works, how it functions at optimal efficiency as well as explore the connections between emotional and physical toxins.

Have other questions about healing, meditation, or yoga? Send them in, and they could be featured here.

In loving service,

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