In yogic science, the Equinox is the day of equal light, which yogis and sages have known as an essential time for meditation, recharging, renewal, and rebirth. The period also marks the beginning of the astrological New Year as the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac Aries. As a fire sign ruled by Mars, Aries energy is individualistic, bold, and brave. The energy symbolizes new beginnings and sets the tone for the next 12 months.

The March Equinox occurs at 5:24 am on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 (GMT). Jai Dev described Equinox as a special window that opens when the light of the day and the dark of the night are equalized. It is a moment in time conducive to great clarity, intuition, and heightened energy.

Source: Earth Shaker

This is a powerful and sacred window to tap into the Earth’s wisdom, the Sun’s light, and your profound connection with the Source.

Pam Gregory states, “The days around the Equinox on the 20th are very powerful as within hours of that on the 21st we have the New Moon in Aries on the World Axis at 0°49′ Aries, and on the 23rd the first transit of Pluto into Aquarius.” 

Pluto is often referred to as a transpersonal or generational planet, and Aquarius is the sign that rules groups and communities. So Pluto’s transit into Aquarius will shake things up! The last time it transited in Aquarius was in 1778-1798 when it, according to astrologer Patrick Watson, brought with it sweeping changes in social order and public rights, such as the ratification of the American Constitution, the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the formation of the global metric system and Enlightenment with the classical music of Mozart, Haydn, and others.

We will get a preview of how this transit will affect us after the March Equinox on March 23, when Pluto first enters Aquarius after twenty months in Capricorn.

Pluto will retrograde back to Capricorn twice, on June 11 to January 20, 2024, and again on September 1 to November 19, 2024, and finally, staying on for 20 years in Aquarius.

In January 2020, I mentioned that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is life-changing, transformative energy. “Saturn and Pluto though, are the most ‘feared’ planets and have gotten a bad rap for being dark. Saturn is all about boundaries and limitations while Pluto is all about transformation and extremes, creation and destruction. Together, they will have a deep global impact.”

That’s why I have been spending time in nature to ground, refresh and reset to prepare for this highly transformative March Equinox and Pluto in Aquarius energy.

Here’s a simple meditation you can do on Tuesday during the March Equinox.

It is said that after doing this meditation, you will wake up from sleep, and problems will start to resolve within 72 hours.

Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Use your thumb to lock down your pinkie finger and extend the other three fingers straight. The eyes closed, gazing down at the tip of your nose. Curl your tongue inside toward your throat as much as you can and pull it hard. If you pull the tongue correctly, your forehead will become heavy like lead in a few minutes. Continue with a steady and solid pull on the tongue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold your breath for 20-25 seconds, and pull the tongue with force, tightening every muscle. Exhale and repeat two more times. Lastly, pull the tongue to the maximum and tighten the body to the point of shaking.’ The whole body will shake. If you pull on the tongue and consolidate the body, energy will go into every fiber of your being.

Find time to sit and align during this powerful and sacred time. 

In loving service,


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