Ghost Month this year starts on August 16 and ends on September 14. If you’re unfamiliar with Ghost Month, it’s a traditional Buddhist occasion observed on the first day of the Chinese calendar’s 7th lunar month.

It is said that during this time, the “hungry” ghosts are unhappy spirits who have suffered an unjust death, not received a proper burial, or been neglected by their relatives. These spirits wander the earth during this time, causing misfortune to those who cross their paths.

Incense and meals are left outside for the hungry ghosts and deceased relatives to enjoy.

This year, the peak of Ghost Month falls on August 31, 2023, when prayers and offerings are made. For people who follow the lunar calendar, they leave incense and meals outside for the hungry ghosts and deceased relatives to enjoy. Prayers and ritual prosperity items are also offered, such as paper money, paper houses, paper transportation, paper accessories, joss paper, and joss sticks. These offerings provide relief to the spirits and afford them some material comforts before they return to hell at the end of the month.

Those who practice the Ghost Month tradition avoid making significant decisions or engaging in risky activities.

Business tends to slow down during Ghost Month, and the stock market usually experience a decline. Here are five activities to avoid:

1. Making Major Life Decisions: Ghost Month is considered an inauspicious time for significant life decisions. Avoid starting a new business, getting married, or buying property; they may attract negative energies and bring about undesirable outcomes.

2. Home Renovations and Construction: Avoid engaging in home renovations or construction projects during this period, as disturbing the earth may disturb the spirits, inviting misfortune into one’s home.

3. Attending Funerals or Visiting Graveyards: It is believed that doing so may attract wandering spirits and increase the chances of negative spiritual encounters.

4. Traveling: Avoiding unnecessary travel is recommended to minimize the risk of encountering restless spirits. If travel is unavoidable, take extra precautions and be mindful of one’s surroundings.

5. Swimming or Water-related Activities: Avoid swimming in bodies of water, especially at night. The folklore often includes tales of water-related accidents and encounters with spirits lurking in the depths.

Fastest way to clear the stagnant energy that builds up over time is through space clearing.

Wherever you are, stay safe. And at the end of ghost month, you may want to consider doing a space clearing for your home or office to help usher in renewed energy to boost your daily life.

in loving service,



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