As a ThetaHealing practitioner, I’m sharing a technique to help you prepare for the New Year 2024. You will need a notebook, a writing instrument, a sage or incense, and items that will help you transform a space you can dedicate to manifesting abundance.

The first step in setting intentions is to create a sacred space with crystals or music that will allow you to focus on your purpose. Cleanse the space with a prayer, sage, or incense. Afterward, center and calm yourself and write the following statement in the present and positive tense, “I have the following items in my life now.”

List ten or more items that you want to manifest. Make this list as detailed as possible. Write your manifestations as if you have them now and what they look, smell, and feel like. Go beyond the point of having things. Ask yourself, “What will you do after you reach your goals?”

Thank the Creator of All That Is. Fold the list and keep one in a safe place and the other burn during the New Year.

Aside from your ten significant items, adding smaller items to the list that will manifest quickly is recommended—for example, set an intention of spending a day at the spa or lunch with a friend on a specific date. The small wins will create a positive energy for your list to gain momentum.

As I always recommend, an important aspect to remember is to ask for your manifestations in the highest and best way.

So if you want money, you do not want the money from an accident insurance claim filed on your behalf!

If you want a car, specify the car’s details, and it will help if you can test-drive so that you can feel everything about the car. If you want to find a perfect job, write, “I work at the perfect job. The place I work appreciates me, loves me.” If you are an entrepreneur, write, “I am great at my career. I have an abundance of clients.”

For those who want to be in a relationship, write that you want to be with your most compatible soulmate. Specify the gender – male or female – and the qualities you want in your soulmate.

You can also use my Setting Intentions to Manifest the Life that you Love to help you.  It’s always good to clear out money blocks, resentments and regrets and do a forgiveness exercise before making your list. Think about what you want to release, and write it down.

Let’s enter 2024 intentionally, and align with the universe in doing so.

Thank you for your time with me, in class, or by reading this letter. See you in 2024!

In loving service,


Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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