I’m writing this from El Nido, Palawan
I’ll be conducting a Success and Prosperity workshop this weekend. I arrived here yesterday and from the airport I went straight to diving. I miss this sport so much and I’m thankful that I was able to come a day early to dive.
I’ve been diving since college. It was my older sister who introduced me to this sport. Like her, I joined the U.P. Divers and got my younger sister to join it too. But I was the only one though who took diving seriously and went all out to become a divemaster. Years later, I became a technical diver certified to dive in overhead environments such as wrecks and caves and deep dive using Trimix (a mix of nitrogen, oxygen, and helium to help us when deep dive air becomes toxic). Anilao was my weekend home and I was dark as wood and had sun-bleached hair.

Floating in the Dead Sea (2007)
The seawater and sun did wonders for my health.
I don’t recall getting sick at that time and mind you, I was a heavy smoker then. My skin was glowing and I was strong and healthy. I could do a shore entry — or a walk to from the beach to the ocean — while lugging four tanks!
Seawater is actually healing and most spas now offer thalassotherapy which is bathing and soaking in seawater-filled pools and hot tubs as a form of therapy. When I’m out in the sea, I get a regular dose of Vitamin D. Studies have suggested that low-vitamin D levels may be associated with Parkinson’s disease, bone disease, blood clots, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
There’s so many benefits in swimming in seawater.
Swimming in seawater can help improve circulation, increase immune system function and hydrates and promotes skin moisture. Here are some seawater benefits listed by Style Caster:
1. It treats a wide variety of skin conditions.
The mineral-rich seawater absorbs the toxins in the body and on the skin, including acne-causing bacteria and regulates the overproduction of oil that leads to clogged pores. Magnesium is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial mineral that “Not only eases itching, but also draws the moisture from eczema-causing bacteria and fungi to hinder its development.”
2. It can be use as a mouthwash
Sea salt wards off bacteria and cleanses gums and minimizes bad breath.
3. It acts as a gentle exfoliant.
The minerals in the salt “opens pores for deeper cleansing as well as encourage blood flow, and the purifying benefits better enable your skin to absorb moisturizer and other treatments.”
4. It relieves sore muscles.
“The magnesium helps the body’s systems to regulate and balance, particularly as it relates to muscle and nerve function.”
If you have time, try to hit the beach and get your healthy dose of Vitamin D and mineral-rich seawater before habagat, the south west monsoon, comes.
A full moon forecast
I’ll be back in Manila by Monday, May 28, where I’ll be teaching a Kundalini Yoga Class at Yoga+ Express Makati at 6:30pm. This session is for preparing for the full moon on Tuesday (10:19 pm Manila time) which is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.
This period can help you change how you view your life. Things that used to cause you grief and strife may now open you up to possibilities, opportunities and new adventures. The energy of Sagittarius is about expanding your mindset, which makes it a great time to explore new aspects of yourself and learn new things and go out there and see the world. The kriya for that day will open you up to opportunities and the meditation will give you the capacity to self-initiate and give you the confidence to do things that resonate with your soul.
Go forward with courage. Have a great weekend and as always, hope to see you all soon.
In loving service,