It’s my first time teaching Basic Theta Healing to first time participants.
It’s is the second day of the Basic Theta Healing Class, where I’ll be teaching participants who haven’t experienced the modality at all. They are taking the course because they want to learn how to heal themselves and clear their limiting beliefs. I asked them how they heard about the course, and they said a friend recommended to take it. They must’ve seen something in their friend to compel them to join the class.

Wealth Consciousness Theta Healing elective with Mark Anthony, Makati, 2018

Wealth Consciousness Theta Healing elective with Mark Anthony, Makati, 2018

I believe in the saying that when you’re ready a teacher will appear. My first foray into healing and spirituality was in 1994 after a break-up, and I started with the Silva Mind Method with Judy Qua in 1994. In 2001, I found myself learning Reiki Levels 1 and 2, even volunteering to do Reiki in the PGH ward. In 2003, I attended the workshop of Clairvision School founder, Dr. Samuel Sagan, in Manila and then traveled to Wilcania, Australia for a month to attend courses in Awakening the Third Eye. I also studied his Inner Space Interactive Sourcing (ISIS) past life technique.  In 2010, I studied Be Well Science courses with Master Del Pe traveling to Texas to attend his workshops and retreats.  And in December 2012, I was led to Theta Healing.

I remember that after my first theta healing session, the practitioner told me that she was teaching a Basic class that weekend. My healing was so instant that I got curious and signed up and now, I’m not only a practitioner, but I’m also teaching the course!

How you learn from the past with Theta Healing
The difference between Theta Healing and the other modalities (except ISIS) is that the client is brought to a past memory. It is similar to ISIS because both lead to major releases of emotional charges from the past and profound spiritual realizations. However, in Theta Healing, the next step is to replace the programs with positive ones.

The mind, body and spirit of a person has a memory like a computer and in Theta Healing, if  you know the right questions to ask, these aspects of the person will tell you what needs to be released and replaced, or what feeling is missing. Based on my experience, most sickness is caused by holding onto certain beliefs or programs over a long period of time. Once these beliefs are cleared the sickness leaves.

This brings me to a funny story recounted by my private client yesterday when I saw her for her yoga class. She said her 9-year old granddaughter who joined us last week asked her, “Amah, can you put your hands on my legs?”

I met the granddaughter last week when my client invited her to join us. As I was teaching, I kept seeing her reaching down her legs to scratch the mosquito bites all over. After class, I set her aside and gave her a quick theta healing.  Now she thinks that everyone can do theta healing — and yes, everyone can heal.

I hope you’re doing your personal sadhana and tuning into these powerful cosmic portals. 
Last Wednesday, August 8 (8:8) was the Lions Gate portal where you can receive high vibrational frequencies, codes of awakening, DNA activations, heart openings and healings.  The third and final eclipse this season is on Saturday, August 11th as a New Moon Solar Eclipse which falls on the 11th day during an ‘11’ year of Mastery, creating an 11:11 gateway.  This is a potent gateway portal for planting seeds and starting anew. It is a powerful time to magnetize more cosmic support and quantum possibilities in your life.

The class on Monday, August 13 is to dig into your subconscious mind to reveal the hidden treasures within and pull out the golden energies of mental strength, intuition, spiritual depth and creative fulfilment.  The next class is on August 27, and since it’s at 3:00pm, we will be doing a meditation from the Miracle Mantra Series called Isht Sodhana Mantra kriya.  This is a good meditation to do when when your prayers really need to work for you and give you the frequency to manifest your intentions.

Bidding you good vibrations today, for the weekend, and the days after.

In loving service,


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