There’s a bug in the air, have you caught it?
I write this while feeling under the weather. It started last Saturday with a runny nose then progressed to cough and by Monday I had a very sore throat and flu-like symptoms. It must have come from the dust from the construction site next to my flat or the heat. I ended up seeing the doctor last Monday and I succumbed to taking the prescribed medication – very strong, once-daily antibiotics. I haven’t taken antibiotics for years and it actually made me feel worst. I even got an upset stomach.
The first thing I did though after visiting the doctor was to get a foot massage. Yes, my instincts told me to go for a foot massage.
I must’ve tuned to my higher self because I came across some information from Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, a Kundalini and Kabbalah spiritual master, author, and composer.
He says that the condition of the feet determines our health, strength, and vitality. He said that there is no illness that cannot be healed by working with the feet.
The feet have 26 bones, 33 joints and more than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 72,000 nerves end at the feet and through which our life force flows. Every organ in the body has a nerve ending in the foot. In order for a disease to take over, the nerve-ending center must be jammed with calcium or acid deposits to prevent the nurturing energy to feed the organs. This is not something new. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends massaging specific points on the foot to send healing ‘qi’ (or life force energy) to the affected area and improve the flow of blood to the area.
Levry adds that by working on the feet, we recharge our solar plexus, affect the pneumo-gastric nerve, help our nervous system and heal our vital organs. Stress, fear anger, and worries weaken the nervous system by depleting the nervous fluid, thereby destroying health, youthfulness, and life itself.
Here are five ways to keep your feet in check and watch your health:
1. Massage your feet.
Apply 20-pounds circular motion with the thumbs on the foot for 30-mins in the morning and before you go to bed. This will help regenerate the nerves and break up the crystallization of the nerve endings. Note that for high fever and dizziness, cut an onion in half and use it to massage the feet. If the nerves are weak, put garlic juice on the feet and massage it in. Garlic and onion on the feet help to remove the poison from the body and combat paralysis.
2. Go barefoot and ground the feet on the earth.
Tight shoes for fashion gives us callouses. A build-up of callouses makes it difficult to stimulate the nerve endings that access and nourish the organs. Wear comfortable shoes and rub off the callouses and try to go barefoot as much as you can! Levry says “For us to live on the earth, we must continue to receive earthly energies through our feet.”
3. Go for a long walk.
People who take long walks remain alert, maintain good memory and are in better health.
4. Take a Foot Bath.
Foot baths in warm water for about 11 to 20 minutes open the solar plexus and allows healing energy to circulate.
5. Sit on your toes.
This is called ‘seiza’ with the toes tucked under in yin yoga. It’s very simple to do. Sit on your heels and tuck the toes under. Make sure that you are on the balls of your feet and stay here for 2 to 3 minutes. This will open the toes and feet and strengthen the ankles as well as stimulate all six lines of the lower body meridians (which begin or end in the toes) and the higher glands. All the meridians of the lower body get stimulated through the compression in the toes. The front of the ankles also becomes compressed helping to open the spleen, liver, stomach and gall bladder lines. There is a Daoist saying “A man with open toes has an open mind.” So open your toes now.
We’re shy of the halfway point of the year.
I hope your journey’s been fruitful, and that you continue to or at least started blooming into your own. This weekend is the Scent and Sound Healing to activate the energy of Forgiveness on May 12. And if you or anyone you know is in Cebu, I’ll be there on May 19 for OM Fest and the Release your Karma Five-Class Kundalini Yoga series and sound healing gong bath meditation starting May 17. I hope to see you there.
Breathe, stay aware, and find ways to be limitless.
In loving service,
Thank you for this information Rosan.