Have you checked your hands lately?
The hands are a good indication of how you are physically. Yogi Bhajan had said, “The feet express the heavens and the hands express the feet. If you want to adjust the psychic body, massage the feet. If you want to adjust the physical body, massage the hands.”

So if your hands feel cold, it’s a sign of poor circulation and can be a symptom of low blood pressure or an underactive thyroid. If your palms are red, it may be sign of a liver problem, an overactive thyroid or rheumatoid arthritis. If your palms are sweaty, it may be a sign of an overactive thyroid too or too much alcohol or you are genetically predisposed to hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). If your hands are trembling, it’s a sign of a neurological disorder called essential tremor or overactive thyroid. And dry skin on your hands may be a sign of a drop in estrogen (after menopause) and dehydration, among other things.

Yogic science states that the hands are an energy map of our consciousness and health. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching fingers to other fingers and areas we can effectively talk to the body and mind. There are hand positions or mudras that locks or seals and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain.

One of the methods is to use hand positions or mudras that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The most popular mudra is Gyan Mudra where you press the thumb and index fingertips together. By doing this, it relates to the planet Jupiter which represents expansion and wisdom. It stimulates the root chakra, easing tension and depression and brings calm, peace and spiritual progress.

Another method, which I am sharing today from Monday’s class to release anger, is to press the finger hard.
All you have to do is find the nerve in the middle finger of the left hand above the knuckle with the right thumb, then press hard for at least 3 minutes.

Photo from Power of Silence

So if you feel angry, irritable, or indecisive, all you have to do is press your left middle finger! You can do the same for the other fingers for worry, fear, grief and insecurity.

I’m getting ready to go.
There are so many things to work on before I leave. The Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training has been moved to May 2020. The good news is my mentor Tarn Taran Kaur and her husband, Tarn Taran Singh, will still be coming to the Philippines first week of November. They will facilitate fun and inspirational classes in Manila which will be open to everyone and a workshop on Fulfilling Relationships.

The yogi couple have been married for over 47 years.

As early as now, I am informing you so that you can take the time to be with them while they are in Manila. Your life will be enriched, and your spirit will be exalted. Compassion, humor, chanting, and down to earth living yoga practice is what they share.

While I’m gone, I’m doing a 30-day Kundalini Yoga Prosperity Challenge for this year and posting a meditation for each day. Post a photo of yourself doing the meditation and tag me OR the Live Heal Bloom account, and use the hashtag #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge. For those who are committed and complete the 30-days, two people will be selected randomly for a free admission to the “Release Your Karma, Unload your Karmic Debt 4-week Series” in September.

I can hardly wait to see you grow in your practice. Do join the challenge, keep following me on FB and IG, and I hope to see you when I get back. Stay cool through the retrograde, and don’t forget to set your intentions for the solar eclipse.

See you all soon.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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