For those who’ve been to temples, ever notice how the statues of dieties have particular hand gestures and look blissful?
One of the reasons they look peaceful and blissful is because they have tapped into the power of mudras (“seal” in Sanskrit) to guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain.

Our hands are more than just function; they are an energy map of our consciousness and health. Each area of the hand corresponds to a certain area of the body and to different emotions and behaviors. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and palms, we can effectively talk to the body and mind.

Each finger relates to a planetary energy and the quality that each planet represents. The thumb relates to the persona of the individual.

The Gyan Mudra, when you press the tips of your thumb and index fingers together, invokes the planet Jupiter. This brings knowledge, expands your field of possibilities and releases limitations.

Shuni Mudra, or pressing the thumb tips with the middle finger, invokes the planet Saturn. This gives patience, wisdom and purity.

The ring finger, Surya Mudra, invokes the Sun which gives vitality and aliveness.

And the pinkie finger, Buddhi Mudra, invokes the planet Mercury which represents quickness and mental powers of communication.

There are about a hundred recorded mudras.

the Apana Vayu mudra

For today, I will share a very powerful mudra which was used in ancient India to save lives in case of heart attacks.
This mudra is called Apana Vayu Mudra. Place the tip of the index finger to the base of the thumb. Touch the thumb tip to the middle and ring finger. The effect is to improve circulation, moderate blood pressure, strengthen the heart. This simple hand mudra is used to treat heart attack, chest pains, heart palpitations, high blood pressure and addressing acute pain such as headaches, toothaches, backaches and all joint pains.

Forecast for the Lunar New Year 2019 Year of the Earth Pig.

Flying Star Chart for 2019 Year of the Pig, (Auspicious Stars: 1, 6, 8, 9).

It’s an important milestone as it marks the end of the 12-year period. We’ve gone through 12 animal signs and starting anew. According to Feung Shui experts, the Prosperity Luck Star “8” is in the center and it means EVERYONE can tap into the energy of abundance and prosperity, which is similar to the Ten Bodies ‘3’ forecast.

As always, a new year is prime time to clean and declutter. You can “konmari” and throw out the things that don’t bring you joy with your own material mess. There are other cleansing options, such as the rebirthing set on Monday, February 4, to unload personal pain. I also offer space clearing, which brings back good vibrations to your home, so to speak. Do reply to this e-mail if this is something you’d like to do in time for the new lunar year.

I will be away, as I said, to cross one item off my bucket list. Jenny Rivera will be teaching the February 11 and 18 classes at Rebel Yoga at 6:30pm, and you can continue to further your practice with the 14-day Love #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge. I’ll be back on February 25 for a 3pm class.

Xīn nián kuài lè – Happy Chinese New Year! Seize the moment, and bloom into your full potential now!

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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