On my way for a skill and spiritual tune-up so to speak
I’m on my way to a Yin Yoga retreat. My Singaporean teacher, Victor Ching, is in the country and he wants to meet his students for a ‘tune-up’. I took the Yin Yoga teacher training four years ago when it was still restorative yoga. Now, Victor is going back to his roots and is teaching a more Taoist style. More of that later after the retreat. Meanwhile, let me share with you a cosmic event which is a great opportunity to go inward and reflect.

With legacy teacher Taran Tarn Kaur at the first KYTT in Boracay, October 2017
Saturn is in Retrograde until September
The planet Saturn started retrograde last Tuesday, April 17, and will last for 140 days until September. Saturn is named after the Lord of karma and the Lord of Time, so it strengthens the personality through lessons of persistence and endurance. It values moral character and integrity, humility, hard work and patience. It is the teacher of discipline, responsibility and control. It is said that it is the Greater Malefic because its work is to test until one has mastered his karmic lesson.

The Great Malefic Planet Saturn
What can you do?
This is the best time to review and reflect on the things that have led you to where you are right now — relationships, job, wellbeing, etc. During the 140-days, it is recommended to resolve issues that are getting in the way of your happiness, inner peace and destiny path. This is a time to set strong goals for the future, based on what you’ve discovered about your past, your motivations.
Saturn best exemplifies what goes around, comes around. Or the old saying, what you sow, so shall you reap. During this retrograde, karma is sorted out. This means unearthing of the truth so that justice will emerge. If you have been bad in the past, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. And if you have been good in the past, an event will occur to reward you for your good deed. This also means that if someone has wronged you, it’s possible that karma might come through to mend it.
Since Saturn corresponds with the root chakra (mooladhara) it’s important to keep one’s energy system grounded in this period From an emotional viewpoint, the colon has to do with having trouble letting go. These issues aren’t typically current life events, but usually stem from the past.
The colon has to do with secrets that we bury from ourselves. It is like hiding something in the deepest darkest corner we can find in the body so that we cannot even find it. Lineage karma or your ancestral karma may be one aspect that would provide a tremendous amount of soul’s growth. if it were able to break free from family patterns, ancestral curses, vow, oaths, obligations, and/or commitments in the past and it would also help family lines break free from their bondage as well. I can share with you the mantra I shared in class yesterday that you can chant 11 times a day or just leave playing to shift the energy of your space to heal your ancestral karma.
I can share with you the mantra I shared in class yesterday that you can chant 11 times a day or just leave playing to shift the energy of your space.
The next 140 days may be tough in many ways because of the lesson of timing, patience and the breakdown of barriers and fears. As long as you’ve learned your lesson, you have the opportunity to make a conscious choice to do things different this time. Something to reflect on this period– what is holding you back, what is standing in the way of your personal happiness and destiny? If nothing is holding you back – what would you do? What would you accomplish?
Class schedules and some reminders
The Kundalini Yoga class on Monday will be taught by Frannie. And on Thursday, April 26, do attend the workshop of legacy teacher Taran Tarn Kaur from 6 to 8 pm at Anam Cara.
I’ll be teaching the new Theta Healing elective on May 12, Growing Your Relationships Part 1: You and Your Significant Other. If you want to learn how to play the Gong, the workshop is on May 19. In this workshop, you will develop enough confidence to play the gong as well as the ability to listen, to understand how you can tap into the universal sound current. The all night gong bath follows. And on May 25-27, the Success and Prosperity Workshop and Retreat in El Nido.
Raise your vibrations, always.
In loving service,