Someone recently asked me how to stay grounded because she is unhappy with the turnout of the elections and afraid of our country’s future.There’s actually term for that called anticipatory anxiety.
Anticipatory anxiety is the fear or worry that bad things can happen in the future. Medically, it is not a disorder but a symptom of other conditions.
Anticipatory anxiety causes people to feel nervous, concerned, and worrisome about the future. They tend to fixate on things they can’t control or predict and may spend most of the time seeing the negative and conjuring worst-case scenarios.
Common signs of anticipatory anxiety are difficulty concentrating, managing emotions and mood, losing interest in hobbies, jumpiness or restlessness, muscle tension and pain, nausea and appetite loss, and sleep problems.
Here are some ways to help you cope with anticipatory anxiety:
1. Meditate
The practice is a way to train attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. It’s a practical tool that carefully supports the mind and guides the body through eye gaze, mudras, and breath.
2. Repeat affirmations.
If you choose consciously the thoughts and words that you repeat in your mind, your life will start to change. I am safe, Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better, and Day by day I am becoming happier and more satisfied.. You can repeat these affirmations several times a day. I also recommend repeating these affirmations before sleeping and before getting out of bed.
3. Exercise.
Move and do yoga to release happy hormones dopamine and serotonin and keep you in the present moment.
4. Keep a journal.
Express your thoughts and feelings by writing them down to understand them more clearly. It can help focus your attention on the present moment and its positive aspects.
5. And my favorite, walk barefoot on grass.
The Earth will absorb the negative charge electrons from your body, and the Earth’s positive surface will be transferred into your body.
Remember that negative thoughts create adverse outcomes. Stress is one outcome, and we all know how stress can impact the body, the mind, and life in general and how it can affect our relationship with our loved ones. One of the best things you can do in these uncertain times is be with people who share your fear, but also make space for those who can uplift you and, as they say, raise vibrations. We are all taking it one day at a time.
There are two new series this July.
The morning yoga will be Create a Disease Free Body to work on your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is like the garbage dump of the body. It consists of a network of tubes and cleansing stations that move body fluids and helps remove toxins and other impurities from the body. It is essential for the optimal function of our immune response. The class is every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:15 to 7:15 am. It will start on July 4 and end on August 10.
The evening series is called Project your Destiny which is perfect especially if you have anticipatory anxiety. The series will help you change your thought pattern. Everything in life is a reflection of choices you’ve made in the past. Every choice you make makes you. Had your choices been different, your results would have been different. Nobody can predict your future. Only you have the power to create your future with your thoughts.
The series will help you define your destiny through choices that will bring about a more successful and happier result. Note that the series is only six classes long (from July 5 to July 21) because I will be away from July 25 to August 2 to celebrate my birthday diving with sharks. Since the morning session focuses on one meditation to be done for 40 days, the class will end on August 10.
Let us continue to practice. And as the gurus have said, in practice, there is peace.
In loving service,