Many people are struggling with forgiveness. We often think that it is associated with saying “I forgive you” and may include a hug or a pat on the back and an assurance that all is forgotten and resolved. In my Scent and Sound Healing Forgiveness module, I often say that forgiveness doesn’t have to involve the other person.

It doesn’t mean that you are excusing their behavior or that you need to go to the person, you have no more feelings about what happened, you have to continue including the other person in your life, or that everything is okay and should be forgotten. The real meaning of forgiveness is when you no longer allow the other person – the behavior or circumstance – to cause you pain, anger, bitterness, or even resentment. When you choose not to forgive, you make the choice to hold on to these feelings.

According to Life Hack, those struggling with forgiveness may not realize that there are teachable components to the forgiveness process– and they have nothing to do with the person who hurt you. They’re all about you and the story you tell yourself.

If you’re struggling with forgiveness, I’m sharing a section of my Forgiveness module to help you heal:
Reflect on your relationships with important figures in your life and write down the names of persons who have hurt your feelings. This may be someone you trusted who has betrayed you, a partner who was unfaithful, a person who has broken your heart.

What haven’t you forgiven about yourself or others? What emotions are coming up? What lessons are you learning and not learning?

Remember that if you are struggling with forgiveness, the process doesn’t have to involve the other person and forgiveness IS NOT for the benefit of the person. Forgiveness puts the final seal on what happened that hurt you. You will still remember what happened, but you will no longer be bound by it. You set yourself free from the emotions that have held you in pain and suffering. Claim back your power back. It affirms to the universe that you deserve to be happy.

Do not deny yourself happiness. Keep going inward. Remember that happiness can also be a huge boost to one’s physical immunity.

Take care in this time of GCQ.

In loving service,

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