We are now allowed to go out of our homes! Finally, we can enjoy some sunshine!. The modified enhanced community guidelines (MECQ) states that outdoor exercise is now permitted with safety protocols — by wearing masks and staying 2 meters apart from each other.
Ever since experiencing cabin fever, instead of doing one errand, I make it a point to go outside for one errand to walk, feel the wind on my skin and get a lot of sunshine. The short errand walks over the last weeks have drastically picked up my mood.
We all need some sun – there are so many benefits!.
The sun is a natural energy purifier and a simple walk under the sun, even for 15 minutes, will make a difference. The sun is the best source of Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium and keeps the nerves, muscles, and immune system working properly. It’s also being studied in building up immunity against the coronavirus.
Aside from vitamin D production, sunshine produces melatonin and serotonin, which helps with happiness and deep sleep. And when sunlight hits your skin, your body releases nitric oxide into the blood, which brings down blood pressure and improves heart health. In the long run, it can reduce the risks of cardiac disease and stroke, diabetes.
So if you want to improve your life, get good sleep go outside and get some sun. The Greeks knew this. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that if “A city is oriented facing the sun, the diseases are fewer and less severe.”
While walking will be allowed, it will still sometime before we can return to the studio. I’m still teaching online, though so do check the schedule on Live Heal Bloom’s event page.
While we can’t meet in person, see you around online, and enjoy the sunshine.
In loving service,