It’s the creative sound of the universe.
In the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the United States, he said that both are virtually the same. It’s the primal sound, and the creative sound of the universe and as such, both are representative as the Creator. By chanting either one, we are tuning into that sound and acknowledging our connection to all other living beings, nature and the universe. We are connecting to heaven.

Thikse Monastery, Himalayas (2017)
Yogi Bhajan differentiated the two sounds as follows “… Om, the creator, is beyond thought, unlimited. Our minds are limited to a subject-knower, object-known communication. Om is the one beyond being known, without limit. Man can go beyond his mind’s limiting conception of his self-ego and experience the universal substance through Ong.”
Chanting Om creates a state of utmost peace, it is the sound we should hear when we leave our bodies when we die. Yogi Bhajan said that when you chant Om it can send you into the astral plane rather than ground on the physical plane. The tendency is to become satvic, spacey and may be difficult to manifest goals in this life.
Chanting Ong, on the other hand generates a powerful reaction when chanted correctly. It is a mantra of action. To chant Ong correctly, start by making a circle of the mouth for the “O” and then for the “NG”, the back of the tongue touches the back of the roof of the mouth.
The sound produced is nasal, vibrating the upper palate of the mouth. As the tongue touches the palette, it stimulates the hypothalamus gland, pituitary gland creating a powerful vibration in the nasal passages and the entire head chamber. This activates the second and sixth chakras, activating creativity, passion and will power.
I’m reminded how powerful Ong is as we tune into the Adi Mantra everyday here at the second leg of the first Kundalini Yoga Level One teacher training in the Philippines. Kundalini Yoga as a practice is for house holders, for people who have to cope up with the demands and challenges of the daily grind – trying to hold a job, raising families or managing businesses.
If you want to try a meditation using this powerful mantra of action, do this:
Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in, and chest out. Warm up first by chanting Ong in the long form so that it takes approximately 10 seconds to chant Ong one time. Chant through the conch, with the mouth slightly open and the breath coming only out of the nostrils. Chant in this manner 5 times, and then gradually begin to chant Ong faster so that you are chanting one Ong every 3-5 seconds. Start with 1 minute of rapid Ong and gradually work up to 2 minutes.
The lunar eclipse brings about transformation, and can represent long lasting major change in one’s life. It would help to recall August 7 last year and reflect on the changes that transpired. What breakdown of boundaries and barriers that you have given yourself so you can achieve all that you desire?
In loving service,
Hello Rosan,
Than you.
Ong is my choosing chant mantra.
I did not know why. But now I do.
You’re welcome! -)
Thankyou so much for the information and suggestions in this article. I found this actually because i have been doing kundalini and breath work , following Russell Brand. Someone (there’s always one) started an argument that “ong” was wrong. So i found this and posted-I noticed that what you mentioned in here is true. I’ve meditated my whole life (so over 50 years) and chanting Ong – i can ‘feel’ in my body. This is good for me because i have anxiety – and it does help keep me in my body.